I recently started talking to a guy who seems super cool. We’ve talked on the phone for hours. The only problem is that he does most of the talking. I’m introverted but not shy and I get nervous and just blank on what to talk about. I think he’s starting to lose interest because he has to carry the conversation all the time. Can anyone help me find things to talk about?

  1. Talk about your interests.. as a talkative person, I think it’s okay if they’re talking more but you can ask questions, share your thoughts and stories etc to keep the conversation going. They are trying to get to know you through the conversation as well .. so just share something about you!

  2. Meet up with him and watch UFC fights then talk in a fake Valley girl accent.

  3. I find most of the time in the one talking, and I will 100% stop giving you my energy if you really don’t have much to say. Most people don’t have an opinion on major core concepts I base my life around, and it’s easy to tell immediately how much people are interested in the world.

  4. Maybe suggest something fun you can do like trivia night or something then you can work together as a team and talk in that way. Maybe will help you loosen up?

  5. You can ask him lots of questions and make comments about what he is talking about. The conversation will naturally lead to your opinions and observations about the subject and you will get more comfortable talking about yourself as time goes on. Good luck 👍

  6. Tell him this, legit what you wrote here, he will get huge relief cause he thinks you probably don’t like him and that’s why you write so little , just tell him the truth

  7. Have you ever heard of the FORD method? F stands for family. O stands for occupation. R stands for recreation. And D stands for dreams. Maybe you could use that.

  8. As a talkative person with a boring life, I will tell you right now you can speak for hours about your interests, even if it seems like you cant. Tell him about something funny/interesting you saw on TV, about something that happened with a family member, about news you’ve heard that interested you…

    Most conversations arent just about the hobbies itself or yourself directly. Otherwise, couples, for example, wouldn’t have any topics after a couple of months. You just need to try to stop thinking about random things that pop into your head as boring, because Im sure the guy will be interested.

    You got this OP, even if you dont talk as much as him, try to share bits of interests, he will appreciate it and you will feel much better. Good luck!

  9. Ask questions! Even if they’re stupid questions it might spark another conversation topic.

  10. I feel ya! When I first started dating as an introvert I thought I was not that interesting and would blank out (and still do) on topics to talk about. What I started doing was observing and remembering little things that happen throughout my day and file it away as a topic starter. It doesn’t have to be big – like for me I like animals so sometimes I’ll file away funny or cute dog stories or videos I’ve watched so that I could bring it up. But also be comfortable with some silence is good too 🙂

  11. Learn to end the convo. Its ok to stop and rest for another day. A man can only go so long.

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