What common moral standard pisses you off the most?

  1. Changing your mind once new evidence becomes available is not a sign of cowardice, but rather intelligence. Of course, if this is hypocritically displayed ie I’m pro life but MY abortion is different, then that is a different story entirely.

  2. The frustratingly common “if you don’t believe in God you can’t have morals.”

  3. Meh… moral standards are typically applied in hindsight.

    They’re all pretty much the same.

  4. I don’t like the idea that you’re wrong or the bad guy for leaving a seemingly “good” relationship. Especially ones where the person is good but sexually it’s not gonna work. Like what’s so wrong with having sex be a priority or important to you in a relationship?

  5. People elevating their opinion to a moral standard, as if they know the world and others don’t. People thinking they somehow have the right to condemn others because they don’t think the same, while they often don’t even understand why they believe what they believe.

  6. This is not a moral standards exactly, but I really dislike how people have this need to label things. Like if it doesn’t have a name, it’s not real – but if it does, you suddenly have to take it very seriously. For example, if you don’t feel so good, you are not properly sick until somebody slapped a label on you. Or if you are confused about your gender, you are confused until somebody invents a label that covers your “symptoms” and suddenly you are confused no more.

    Things can’t just be what they are anymore, and that’s dangerous in my opinion. Things change all the time; people change all the time. The fact that you display all characteristics of what people consider to be ADHD, or you happen to fall in love with a guy, doesn’t mean they should just drop you in that box and be done with it. You are you, and you are unique. You may have something much more complex than ADHD (or maybe not at all), or you might fall in love with a woman next time – life just isn’t that predictable. Labeling leads to stereotyping. Everybody has a right to be judged as a person, not as a subset of labels. Persons evolve; develop; learn. Labels don’t.

  7. That you are looked at as a scum bag for courting a girl with a boyfriend even if you don’t know the guy and she prefers you.

  8. *”I want to censor this person and their point of view…but don’t you dare censor me and my point of view!!!”*

    Huge here on Reddit.

  9. Anyone with a different opinion is stupid, a moron, a complete a front to humankind, and needs to be censored and gagged from ever voicing their opinions again.

    You can’t call it a discussion if you just want everyone else to listen to you and agree with you.

  10. Probably the idea that it’s morally wrong to have sex before marriage. It’s so block-headed. Not only is it not ethically wrong, but it’s usually a very good idea to have had experience with sex before binding yourself to one partner.

    To add insult to injury, the people who profess to such ideas often will have the simultaneous belief that anything except heterosexual penetration is “not sex” and therefore allowed. Which is just an arbitrary distinction created to allow them to feel morally good while still enjoying what is sex for all practical purposes.


  11. Staying together for the kids is righteous and the self sacrifice of giving up your own happiness is your duty as a father.

    In reality, being a happy, balanced, and attentive parent is a better way to do right by children.

  12. You have to belive in something, because it’s human. Ammm… Yeah… nooo….

  13. My ignorance is as good as your knowledge.

    That’s a favorite of the conservatives.

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