(Sorry this may be a bit of long)
So I recently moved to a new school this past year during my sophomore year. I really didn’t have any friends at my old school either so I was excited to finally have a fresh start. I had aqauntances at my new school that I had met years before through little league basketball.
One of the girls was super kind and really helped me out, she let.me sit with her at lunch, she introduced me to new people, invited me to her birthday party etc… I started to feel bad because I still hadn’t made any friends of my own and I didn’t want her to feel like she was obligated to always be there from r me like a little kid, she could only do so much.
Some classmates were very welcoming and would start talking with me. I always tried to be super nice back and be very friendly and confident, however they just remained people that I briefly chatted with in class, nothing more. Just aquinences. Despite all my best efforts at being extremely friendly it seemed that one cared to have anything to do with me outside of school.
On my basketball and track team, same story, everyone was super friendly and we would get along very well. We had good laughs, joked around, everything .Nothing ever came of it though. I’ve never been asked to hang out or do anything with people, and I don’t know what the problem is. One girl on my basketball team said everyone else on the team thought I hated them, and I just don’t understand at all why this could be. She didn’t give me a real reason as to why so I guess I’ll never know.
So now did ng the summer I literally have nothing to do , I see everyone else going the mall with their friends hanging out late at night having fun living up their teenage years, while I have to do everything on my own.
Any thoughts or suggestions.on what I may be doing wrong and how to fix the.problem?

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