Hello there. My boyfriend and I have had sex, multiple times a day, everyday before & throughout my fertile window, I am not on birth control & we do not use condoms or anything. I know that apps are not reliable for tracking, but flo says my fertile window was from cd 12 to today cd 18, with ovulation being on cd 16. We rely on the pull out method, but on cd 15 & yesterday cd 17 we had 2 incidents where it took him a second to pull out, most of it was not inside but I believe he might’ve finished a little inside, we were in positions that caused him to take a second to get out (tmi sorry!). So we had unprotected sex with the pull out method on days 11-19 of my cycle multiple times a day. I also had some spotting Sunday evening cd17, it was very brief, brown/pink in color and was only with one wipe & a little on my pantries, could this mean anything(ovulation?)? My last cycle started on the 24th of June, but I spotted 2 days before that, stopped & then started my period on the 24th with a more heavy bleed, so would you consider the day of the spotting the first day or the 24th? I suppose I am worried bc while the pull out method has been very trusty up until this point, we haven’t had sex like this, everyday multiple times a day throughout my fertile window before, so I am a bit worried. I know that I need to take a test 14 days after sex or wait for my period, but with my cycles being irregular & having sex so frequently/consistently, it’s going be a bit difficult to tell until I actually get my period. If you have any insight on what the outcome of this cycle might be I’d love to hear it. Thanks in advance. – I also know that the pull out method isn’t super reliable but it hasn’t failed me yet.

1 comment
  1. What??? Use something, anything to protect yourself and stop playing science and whatnot. You are playing the Russian roulette with sex here. Remember you can get pregnant with just ONE spermatozoa and sperm can live inside your body for 72h. Don’t be an idiot.

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