We both started dating each other when we were 17 (2017), half a year later, we both decided to go to the same college in a different city. Our relationship was amazing, we both loved each other so much, the sex was amazing and all this continued till 2020.

Due to COVID, we both had to shift to our hometowns and we both quarantined seperately in our homes. That’s when I first started noticing that she doesn’t talk about sex or anything intimate anymore, neither did she initiate anything at all. I tried talking to her about this and whenever I did, she used to get all freaky the coming week and then back to normal.

This continued till this year when I finally decided to let her know how I feel. I told her that I feel our relationship lacks intimacy and asked her why doesn’t she initiate anything at all. The conversation went kinda smoothly but we didn’t do anything after that as well, what changed was this vibe; I felt distant from her ever since having that conversation which was a few weeks ago.

(The thing is that she doesn’t consider herself to be asexual, she masturbates frequently and says that she has a healthy sex drive.)

Today, we talked again about this and she told me that she feels like having sex is a chore and also told me that she doesn’t feel anything when we kiss. She said she loves me a lot but she doesn’t find herself to be sexually attracted to me. She said she doesn’t want to end things and work our way out of this.

I feel that if she doesn’t want me now, she can’t convince herself to be sexually attracted to me a few years down the line. She says she wants to work things out but I find it difficult to believe. I felt this crushing feeling when she said she doesn’t feel anything when we kiss and I can’t shake it away.

If you guys were in my shoes, would you choose to try things again to make it better or leave?

Feel free to tell me your story if something like this ever happened to you.

tl;dr: my gf doesn’t feel sexually attracted to me anymore and she wants to work things out to stay in this relationship. I don’t know what to do or how to respond.

1 comment
  1. Well I guess my question is gonna be what exactly does she plan on doing to fix this? Therapy? Nothing?

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