So I have been dating my partner for about two years and there is one thing I need perspective/opinions on.

When we started dating we were pretty lose and easy going we would point out other attractive people. We practice dance together in a class and dance with others. Well I started feeling insecure when I saw my partner being flirtatious with others and others flirt back. So at some point I told him I don’t want to look at others and he respected that. Well fast forward to a few weeks and we are in class and I notice him rather upset with me. I guess during dance class he felt that I was I was being possessive of him when in fact I was just being myself. I was not being possessive and now I feel like I’m smothering him. I am unsure what to do. Do I let us out on this long leash where being flirty and looking at others is okay regardless of my insecurities in order to keep him? I fear that he will find a better partner. I know that by being confident and sure of myself is the only sure way of keeping him but should hide what I feel in order to keep him? Ugh thoughts anybody?

  1. Were you being *possesive during dance class? Not allowing him to practice with other partners?

  2. > I know that by being confident and sure of myself is the only sure way of keeping him

    You already know the answer. You guys are in dance, he’s going to be dancing with other people there. As long as it’s limited to there, I see no problem.

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