I need some help guys. my girlfriend has been going through a LOT of shit lately. Death of a pet, death of her grandma and then death of two friends in a short period of time. She’s been really depressed and very distant other than a few texts here and there (none of it has anything to do with our relationship). I understand completely the nightmare that this must be for her, and I’m trying to be as delicate as I can.

She said yes to be my girlfriend and shortly after all this shit hit.

So I’ve been trying to be there for her but she isn’t really giving me much. She’s just kind of reiterating what im saying. I’ve told her several times that I’m here if she needs anything and I try to strike up conversations about different stuff but they’re kind of surface level at best. She’s usually very involved and in depth. Again, I get that part.

This is why I’m not sure what to do. I feel like I should just tell her I’m going to leave her alone because she doesn’t want to talk. But at the same time I just don’t know if that’s true, and I guess I don’t know what to do..

Do you think i should just be like “hey. I’m gonna leave you alone for a while” or something to that effect? I don’t think I’m getting anywhere talking to her and just feel like I’m not helping with anything I’m saying. Another part of me feels like the worst thing i can do is leave her alone and give her that space, but she’s the kind of person that likes to be alone when she’s depressed so I need some advice

  1. Im not sure “I’m gonna leave you alone for a bit” would be the best phrase to use, to me that would sound like you’re abandoning me because you don’t want to deal with me and the situation.
    Maybe try telling her that you understand things are tough at the moment and you’re there for her if she ever needs anything or needs/wants to talk. That way she knows she can come to you whenever she is ready

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