Hey I’m 22 and I have nothing. I have no friends, no license I dont even have a permit. I just feel like life is passing me by and I hate being alone I want friends and a girlfriend and to be happy but so many things are holding me back. I hate how fat I look I lost 60 pounds and am down to 205 which is great for my height 6’6 but I still have alot of fat. I try going out but get sick to my stomach trying or even thinking about it. I have been taking meds and doing therapy but it’s not working at all I just hate this feeling I wanna go out and make friends and have a girlfriend and eventually have my own little family but it feels like I’m just gonna sit home all day depressed never leaving the house until I eventually die

  1. I recommend getting a job, maybe in retail. In this way, you’ll meet people about your age and you’ll be socializing without realizing it too much. I did this and I’m 22 too. (2000 generation rocks lol)

    I was almost totally isolated and now I’m meeting girls and making friends of all ages. I work at the bakery shop of a restaurant. In places like this, you’ll meet lots of different personalities.

    Don’t worry about your weight, It can be lost. You’ll have to build lots of self-discipline, though that’s a different subject. I did it, and now I impress everyone because I speak 4 languages that I mostly learned just by myself.

  2. Try a job in hospitality. Perhaps in a banquets/ function section of a large hotel. Good way to meet people your own age. Also, you’ll be socialising with people who work the same bizarre hours you do.

  3. One idea that helps but requires dedication and time, is to start a whole life plan for yourself. A workout routine, set some personal goals and focus your energy toward personal growth. Over time your confidence will build and things will start to improve. It’s not without it’s bumps and setbacks, but it’s all part of the progress. I suggest checking out David Goggins. I love the way he talks about how he turned his life around.

  4. Since you’re unable to work at the moment maybe find a hobby that evolves being around other people. Similar interests connect people and lead to friendships. I see you said you’ve lost weight, so perhaps if you go to a gym you could spark some conversations about working out. Or some gyms have basketball courts and you could learn to play and play with other people. For me, I started skating and made friendships through people I met at the park. If you’re not interested in sports, arts are a great way to connect too. I know my local library hosts free art classes every now and then, which I’m sure most library’s do. I know sparking up conversations can be difficult sometimes but the more you converse the easier it becomes. Even just being around people conversing in a public setting helps adjusting. Hope you find something that works out for you!

  5. Did you go to college? When is the last time you worked? I’m sorry if I sound harsh but you need to do something. You can’t sit around all day and expect to randomly start feeling better. You need to put yourself out there. Start small. Go on a walk around the block. Smile at strangers and say hello. Feed bread to animals if that’s allowed where you live. And when you’re used to going to outside more take it a step further and start volunteering somewhere. Even if it’s a one time thing. Apply for jobs. Anything. It doesn’t have to be anything special and it certainly doesn’t have to be your dream job. Just start somewhere and I think that alone will improve your mental health so much.

    Also do you have family members or neighbors you can connect with? And sorry if this is an invasive question but how is your financial situation. You said you’re fat and you hate it so I’m wondering, do you eat unhealthy food because you can’t afford better options?

  6. You Im in the same place at 26 and I’ve got to tell you, it can always get worse. Never forget that. Stay the fuck away from alcohol and drugs and don’t expect anything to change unless you make it. I’m sitting here withdrawing from shit wishing I knew what the fuck happened the last 4 years. You can’t imagine how good or bad things can be from where you are. Find a plan and make the right steps. Anything is better than what you got. If you’re just gonna say you have no permit without figuring out how to fix that you can’t blame anyone but yourself. I have had like 7 permits but never got my license cause I’m always too fucked up to drive.

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