My ex and I separated about 3 weeks ago. We dated for almost 4 years. In the past he’s been physically violent with me. Every type of abuse you can think of, he’s done it. I’ve left him for good now but a part of me feels he may be back. For example, when I left him back in 2019, he showed up at my door unannounced 6 months later. And I think he’ll do it again.

How do I make sure I’m protected this time? He’s threatened to *ill me if I leave him. Some things I have documented are from 2 years ago. But everything else he’s done I don’t have proof of. That’s why I think going to court may not help?

How to proceed?

Tl;dr want to protect myself against my ex, how should I go about it?

  1. I would contact a local domestic violence organization for advice, make sure that you have other peopel you can quickly contact. This is a serious situation and I’m sor sorry that you’re experiencing this and hopefully there are local resources and friends that can help you. I’d recommend that you round up what wagons you can, try to keep any communication to a minimum and through text. Stay safe.

  2. Depends how far you want to and are able to go. Best thing would be to move to a new place and trade in your car. If not a possible, then set up your place properly. Lights, security system, dog, windows, etc. I’d suggest a firearm, but many people are uncomfortable with the idea. It sucks so much that jerks can really effect your life like this, and it wears you down. But at least for the time being, be hyper vigilant of your surroundings and avoid uncomfortable situations. You can still report to police if you are worried, especially if he does anything new. I agree that contacting domestic violence programs is a good first step. Sorry this is happening to you.

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