We’ve been dating just over 3 months now, and I was extremely happy that I found someone who was finally attracted to me. I have given multiple handjobs and blowjobs to my boyfriend, but he did not do anything to me. We were taking things slow, or so I thought.

Last night when I finally mustered up enough courage to ask him to go down me, he outright refused and said how uncomfortable it would be for him given the fat on my thighs. I was extremely horny, but then was left hanging because of this. He asked me to suck him off so I did, but I can’t stop thinking about that humiliating experience.

I want to ask if this is a legit concern on his part, or are these red flags I am refusing to see?

  1. Huuuuuuuge red flag, yeet the whole ass man, sis. He’s selfish and cruel, terrible combo in a partner. Find yourself someone eager to dive in and feel your thighs tremble around their face!!

  2. Well, you aren’t exactly refusing to see them, or you wouldn’t have made this post. Simply put, he isn’t as attracted to you as you thought he was. I’m not saying he’s not attracted to you at all (otherwise he wouldn’t be with you), but it’s clearly far from 100%.

    If you are otherwise happy, you could give it time and see if he changes his mind (attraction can increase over time, I’ve seen it happen). But if you aren’t happy, then you’re faced with an honest conversation and a difficult decision. Don’t let it linger.


  4. >He asked me to suck him off so I did

    See this is the problem with a lot of women. They want to put the world at their partner’s feet, but the partner doesn’t have to do anything at all in return?

    You should have refused, outright.

  5. Massive red flag. I think partners should be allowed to say if they will/won’t perform certain sex acts, but if he wants something done to him, he should be willing to reciprocate. The reason he gave was cruel, body negative, and totally unfair. Your partners should always care about and be enthusiastic about your pleasure, too.

    The world is full of billions of people, with all types of preferences. There’s thousands, if not millions or billions of people who’d love to be with you. I’m so sorry your bf treated you like this- you deserve much, much better.

  6. Uhhhh please dump him asap. You deserve someone who loves you and is attracted to you and wants to make you happy in bed (and out of bed). You are worth more and should only be with a guy who makes you feel like that.

    You say you are refusing to see this as a red flag? This is not just a red flag….it’s a direct slap in the face. Please have some self respect and leave him now.

  7. he’s not physically attracted to you. simple as that. you should find someone else who is attracted to you

  8. If he wants bjs, then he needs to give you oral. Telling you that you have fat on your thighs is bs and a lousy thing to say. You shouldn’t have to ask for oral, although that seems to be the case with some guys. If I were you, I’d be finding a guy who knows how to treat you right.

  9. Yeah, get rid of the jerk. This is a huge red flag. If he hasn’t started making small negative comments yet, he will. They will only get worse. Get rid of him and find someone who values your worth. Not someone who feeds off your securities.

  10. This person is 100% NOT ATTRACTED to you. He’s using you for whatever he can get. Blowjobs, handjobs, sex, a ride to work, some home cooked meals, your wifi, or anything else.

    However, YOU are probably VERY attracted to him. Maybe he’s handsome, or fit, or has six-pack abs, or tall, or successful. Whatever it is, you aren’t with him because he is generous, loving, and kind. Maybe you should re-evaluate your priorities and find a man that will appreciate you.

  11. >I have given multiple handjobs and blowjobs to my boyfriend, but he did not do anything to me. We were taking things slow, or so I thought.

    Taking things slow is not you doing stuff to him and him doing nothing to you. Thats him using you.
    To then have the gall after insulting you to ask for you to blow him?! This shows how little respect he has for you and how little he thinks of your feelings.

    You are worth soo much more. Please get shut, hold your head high and find someone who deserves you

  12. It’s obviously not something that anyone should be forced to to, but If he isn’t going to do it, the least he could do is not ask you to go down on him.

    Regarding what he said about your thighs it not only seems like a ridiculous excuse, but also I’ll never understand why some people make such statements about their significant other. It’s just cruel and one of the fastests ways to destroy confidence.

  13. Stop being so concerned that nobody will like you. You need to focus on finding someone YOU ACTUALLY LIKE. Confidence will attract the good ones.

  14. This man came in waving that big red flag screaming & shouting, dear.

    He refuses, insults you, then demands you* do it for him?? And.. you did?

    Oh, friend. You have taught him that you’re his puppet and he’ll never respect you. Drop him please!! It’ll only get worse from here.

  15. The fact that he shows no interest and even disgust at the idea of giving you any sexual pleasure shows this is a completely one sided thing . Sex as a couple is about pleasuring eachother and enjoying eachothers (and your own) bodies , if he won’t do anything to you sexually then it’s not a relationship . It’s just him using you for sexual favours .

  16. Is your genital hygiene in check? Maybe he came up with an excuse because he didn’t want to say the truth outright? Just wanted to chip in with this consideration. If he simply doesn’t want to pleasure you, dump him.

  17. He’s not actually attracted to you. Don’t be surprised if he’s been shopping around the whole time. Sorry…

  18. If head isn’t reciprocated, you gotta leave. It’s a pretty clear indicator of how they’ll treat many other situations

  19. What one man won’t do, another man will and then some. Don’t settle for less than the bare minimum. Get you a guy that’s more than enthusiastic to satisfy your needs. He should go until you’re finished, not the other way around.

  20. As someone with mega thick thighs, my fiancé calls them his ear muffs 😂
    Body shaming isn’t okay. Especially to your partner. No sausage eating until he goes muff diving

  21. Girl, just show him the doors! Trust me, hes not worth it, there are many other guys who will love to go down on you

  22. Thank you so much guys, it means so much to me. I’m dumping his ass, he done for me.

  23. Yes, I too hate pillowy thighs when I’m giving head. I just hate caressing my cheek on that soft flesh. Can’t stand it!

  24. Why women do this to themselves 🤦 Jesus. When you are young its ok, but as you get older you should realize that when you give something then you should receive too. If a man comes for a BJ and dont care about you…..please do yourself a favor and find somehody who actually wants you. I am constantly debating with womens about these things and its so sad to think that you Can live carefree and fully loved by somebody but instead you waste your time with a guy which is using you. (And what about that guy secretly wanting you badly, this sloppy fuck has decided to block 3 people and their happiness just to get a BJ….)

    Not to mention listening crap from girls about how great they are doing BJs while those guys are just lazy fucks sweettalking you in their favor as he instead should fuck you like an animal….. but hey, no, he just wants to be served and not to get sweaty or tired. Wake Up and stop wasting time, give yourself a full love package, dont get cockblocked sucking ungratefull fucks….

    For christ sake, love yourself girl. I Wish you only happiness.

    P.S.: being in shape is good. So get to the gym and work those legs. 😉

  25. So go to the gym, get in super awesome shape, then when he says he’s ready, tell him to fuck off and go get a new dude. That’s how you win at life.

  26. As someone who’s head has been between many thick thighs, I’m gonna say he doesn’t know what he is missing.

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