I’ve recently started embracing my lifelong desire to wear women’s panties when I’m hanging out at home but I’m struggling with the feeling of shame or being judged by anyone I’m ever with going forward. I also have a lot of kinks related to my partner and her panties I’ve had one partner that embraced everything I ever asked and it was everything I hoped it would be and when life took us different paths it was gone and I’ve been given weird looks since. I’m just wondering how a woman would feel if her partner enjoyed seeing her in her panties everyday, incorporating them in the bedroom(I can be more specific if necessary but this is already getting too long), would feel if I wanted to wear and sniff her worn panties and to wear panties doing everyday things. Like would the top part be a deal breaker? would the bottom part be a deal breaker? Thanks if you’ve made it this far.

  1. Not a woman- but kinks are a person to person thing. Some will be ok with it- some won’t. You do what makes you happy, and you’ll find someone whom is fine with it again. Just don’t sacrifice your happiness.

  2. I think your biggest obstacle is surprising a woman who would be put off by this. If you want to wear women’s panties (I don’t blame you, they’re cute as fuck), I might consider playing up my outfit as well.

    Someone who comes to mind is Harry Styles. If I got that beautiful man alone, and he stripped down revealing women’s panties, it wouldn’t be the least bit shocked because he enjoys this beautiful, androgynous way of dressing. I see a lot of men who paint their nails these days. I’m just saying, being open minded means less restrictions. Would you be interested in adopting other ideas of “women’s attire” or is it something you’d like to save for someone special?

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