I mean if we compare today to 1922, the prejudice dropped. If we compare that time to the days of Jefferson, it is likewise a great difference.

  1. Who honestly knows, fashion trends and what is considered acceptable clothing is always changing. I do think with rising temperatures woman will opt for more loose fitting breathable clothing but that doesn’t mean it will become socially accepted for people to walk around naked all the time. Or maybe it will and 50 years from now the streets of Houston will look the changing room at a gym full of old men, fashion is weird like that.

  2. With casinos proliferating, so you don’t need to go to Vegas for some naughtiness, eventually some resort locations will figure out that topless and even nude beaches can be the next way to draw people.

    I’d like to see the NPS change their general no-nudity policy on national seashores to instead go by local laws. Then Provincetown could expand their nude beach options.

  3. My casual observation over my life (I’m 40) is that nudity among adults is about as impermissible now as it was when I was a kid, and nudity among children has become significantly less acceptable.

    Do you have any sources that it was more unacceptable a hundred or two hundred years ago? That sounds like one of those myths that grow up whe dead people are made into monuments of modern virtue, and you can’t ask them what things were really like.

  4. We’re more permissible with showing more skin now, but I don’t think the perception of nudity has really changed all that much outside of comedy or porn becoming a bigger industry.

  5. We’re really less permissive now, skinny dipping with the lads was more acceptable then than now

  6. I dont want to see a mother of 9 walking around top less just like a 20 year old doesn’t want to see my grey hair and balls competing to see which one will reach my knees 1st.

    Ever see that girl with the size 90 ass, wearing the stretchy pants that say SASSY, that were made in her size….but not made for her? Imagine 9 days of cellulite, cottage cheese looking ass, bouncing up and down the street.

    I’m ok with nudity laws because the people no one wants to see nude will the the 1st fuckers doing it.

    SOME bodies, male and female, are art. Most are not. Anyone who gets excited by my 55 year old dad bod needs therapy or has no choice (sorry wife, ill work out more)

  7. If you’re pretty I think we’re quite accepting of nudity but opinions tend to change if you’re old, out of shape or fat. Attractive gay dudes probably only get a pass on pride.

  8. I think it peaked in the 70s. At least in the US our culture seems to be swinging back in the conservative direction compared to how things were then.

  9. My read of recent trends is that actual nudity in public spaces (topless for women, bottomless for all) is *not* becoming more socially acceptable, but more revealing clothing is becoming more acceptable.

    Personally, I’d love to be able to be nude in my backyard without worrying about freaking out the neighbors.

  10. I don’t think so. In fact, I think casual nudity is even more taboo now than it once was. I always heard about the sort of locker room hijinks that goes on in middle school and high school, but when I was in middle school and high school less than a decade ago, I never once got naked in front of my peers and I don’t think anyone else did, either.

  11. no, because were not some 3rd world shithole. believe it or not, clothing serves more purpose than just stopping others from seeing your dick. your shoes are what prevent you from getting foot parasites. your socks are what prevent you from getting chaffed skin from the shoes. your pants protect your lower body from flying insects and painful burns from hot or caustic liquids, while also protecting everyone else from the stink of cottage cheese that wafts from most peoples nethers. your shirt provides a similar function to your upper body, and for others around you. and all of those provide protection from the extremely harmful sun, excessive cold, etc.

    tl;dr we dont just wear clothes cause nudity is taboo. we wear clothes because otherwise were all gonna have foot worms, a trail of period blood, and the stink of cottage cheese all over the place.

  12. Hopefully not, I don’t wanna see naked people unless I consent to it. I especially don’t wanna see ugly old wrinkily naked people.

  13. I think that there’s a major issue of consensual nudity and unconsensual nudity. While religious persecution of sexuality has declined and sex oositivity has increased, meaning we are less likely ti throw a fit over nudity in general, our understanding of consent and violations of people’s free will and sensitivities has increased, so things like purposeless public nudity are unlikely to become anymore acceptable overtime.

    Porn? Totally acceptable. Everyone seeing wants to. Sex clubs? More acceptable. Somewhat revealing outfits? Contextual, but certainly going to fluctuate overtime. Walking down the street nude? Once it was unholy, disrespectful etc… Now it’s perverted and offensive. That’s never going to change. If I see an obese, eczemic transgender man walking down the street with a clitoris becoming a psuedopenis, I’m going to be angry. In 1922, in 2022, and in 2122.

  14. Only weirdos want to walk around naked, like dude you don’t need to walk around a public gym locker room naked.

  15. Century? Maybe. But I wouldn’t count on it. I’d count on the Israeli Palestinian conflict being resolved sooner than that.

  16. God I hope not. The people who want to be naked are not the people I want to see naked

  17. In places like beaches, probably. Just over the last decade thong bikinis have become super popular in beaches in places like California. I could see toplessness taking on a similar trend.

    But I don’t think it will be socially acceptable for people to walk around naked in cities or anything. We will probably not go back to the days of the swimming pools insisting that people swim naked, but I would not be surprised if its more common for dudes to wear speedos than it is now.

  18. Honestly, it seems that it has become more prejudice towards nudity compared to the past.

  19. “Prejudice” isn’t really the right word IMO. I think a better phrasing would be whether nudity is more acceptable or tolerated.

  20. I think the view towards nudity is the exact same as it was. The only thing changing is our views towards showing excessive amounts of skin. I can’t imagine walking around with everything hanging low will ever be acceptable.

  21. I don’t really care about lifting any taboos or whatever, I’m already naked or around other naked people as much as I want to be, which is only in the privacy of my own home.

    Not because I think bodies are shameful or nudity saddens the Lord or whatever, I’m just not comfortable with public nudity in the same way that I’m not comfortable with like… eating bugs. I understand that other people do it and that’s fine for them, but I’m not ever going to be naked in public or seek out other people’s public nudity.

  22. What do you mean “prejudice towards nudity”

    If anything people’s expectations of privacy are increasing. Communal locker room showers have gone away because people are demanding private stalls. Bigger houses are the norm so kids can have their own bedroom rather than share.

  23. It depends on what kind of nudity you’re talking here.

    I’m asking three things. Recreationally, like nude beaches? Casually like more often at home or among close ones? Or in a real world sense, like seeing people attempt to live their entire lives without wearing anything.

    I would wager the former two will absolutely gain more popularity progressively throughout the decades by sheer osmosis (we’re seeing that in the stats for countries like the UK, who have an estimated near 4 million people who consider themselves nudists as of 2011). And while I think there will be a point to where people could get to that, I don’t think we’re going to be seeing Americans (or really citizens of any country) living at least part of the year without wearing anything and just walking through random cities without clothes

  24. As someone who has seen many a tourist become a lobster I vote for more clothes, not less

  25. Apparently prejudice towards nudity isn’t a thing anymore at pride parades and events. Even if children are present.

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