i (f) have a fwb (m) who’s into me deep throating him, but i have a pretty intense gag reflex that makes things uncomfortable. he likes to hold my head and move it, so i just tap his thigh when i need some air/i gag a little too much.

i always feel like i’m on the verge of puking when he touches the back of my throat, and when i gag really bad a lot of saliva comes out (i can taste stomach acid in it). i usually see him on an empty stomach, and if i had eaten today before seeing him i would’ve absolutely puked. i also have acid reflux, so my stomach is more reactive than most.

idk if there’s any way to make it less intense, help with the stomach acid, etc… any and all tips appreciated. i don’t think it’ll ever fully go away but any improvement would be nice

edit: i should mention that when i say uncomfortable, i only mean in the physical sense. i get off on it mentally, seeing the faces/hearing the noises makes it all worth it to me. i feel good when he feels good, so it’s something i’m willing to work on for our mutual enjoyment

  1. Friendly advice, don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, weather is your mind or your body. Also, gag reflex can go away, throat is a muscle, it can be trained, magicians for example training it so they can swallow whole swords. I don’t know exactly how, but if you ask some expert you might get the help you want.

  2. Firstly, knowing you have acid reflux I would make sure to take medication or whatever it is that helps you soothe the reflux before seeing him (and if possible, try to take it where it’ll be most affective around the time of your dick appointment).

    Desensitizing the back of your throat is second, but will probably be the most helpful. You can do this by using a toothbrush that’s rounded on the end and touch the back of your throat repeatedly, until you think you’re going to puke…and try to hold it. I know it sounds brutal, but start slow and you’ll get used to it little by little.

    I’ve noticed that it can be mind over matter for me also. It’s almost like I can turn off my gag reflex bc I get wrapped up in pleasing him. During the act it’s normal to still gag and gasp for air too sometimes, but try to relax and enjoy it. (Also, I hope you’re doing it because you want to.. and not because you feel pressured by him)

  3. This probably isn’t the advice you want, but deep-throating isn’t for everyone. Trust me, I know – I once literally vomited on a dick. Not cute.

    Don’t make the same mistake as me, tell your fuck buddy to chill out a little. Sex is supposed to be fun and feel good, and you can’t have that if you’re trying not to vomit the whole time.

  4. Honestly I tried once but mine so bad I don’t do it deep he likes it all the same don’t do something that will make you sick or uncomfortable I also have acid reflux I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that makes you

  5. Well, this might seem a little tongue-in-cheek (pun intended), but as for the reflux you can always get some OTC Prilosec. As for the gag reflux, it’s just a suggestion, but you could try some Hurricane Spray. It’s a spray that gastroenterologists give to their patients who have a strong gag reflex during an upper GI or other procedure where they’re scoping your esophagus or stomach. . It numbs the throat for a little while. You just spay a LITTLE at the back of your throat or epiglottis. But make sure it’s just a little as this stuff burns a little at first. I don’t know how long it lasts. My gastro has to use this with me whenever he’s scoping my esophagus and I’m usually out like a light at the time. The only other thing I can advise is bring a lot of desire to the table when you go down on your guy. I’ve always felt that if I really wanted to swallow my lovers cock and please him that much, then treat it like you want to do it as if your “hunger” for it was voracious! BTW, if you’re only having trouble with reflux during the times you’re trying to give head that’s one thing. If you’re having it while you sleep then see a Gastro. Good Luck!

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