Or go with the male who does a better job at cleaning.

  1. I mean, if you think your wife is the type of person to fuck every man around her, then yeah I’d suppose so. If she isn’t, it probably wouldn’t matter.

  2. If you don’t trust your wife around service workers, you either have some serious self work to do, or serious work to do with your relationship.

  3. If you are rich enough to afford a pool and staff for all the things at home, but don’t trust your wife, you can afford therapy or a divorce.

  4. Best yo get whomever is competent and a good price. Selecting based on gender is illegal most civilised places

  5. It sounds like you really don’t trust your wife, man. Who cares? Whoever is best for the job.

  6. >**who does a better job** at cleaning

    That is the criteria, nothing else. If you or your wife can’t keep the hands off of a cleaning person you have bigger problems to deal with than the genitalia of your employee.

  7. If your wife is a stay-at-home wife, she needs to get off her ass and clean the pool and the house herself. Otherwise she’s just a parasite.

  8. It’s best to hire whoever is best at the job, doesn’t matter what gender or sex they are.

    If you have to make the decision based off how little you trust your wife then it’s time to start working on the relationship.

  9. Male of course, they would also entertain your wife because looks like her stay at home would be quite boring.

  10. If my wife is staying at home then I expect her to maintain the pool throughout the day and clean the house.

    Why the hell would I hire someone to do her job, while I bust my ass and do mine?

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