Married a week. Truly a Lovely human, he helped lift me out of an incredibly dark place. We decided to get married on an island vacation I’d planned for all the kids and step kids. Some of the kids had friends who paid their way and joined us so it was hectic, but the kids all had a magic time. I didn’t cope too well, as there were so many people and I’m not good with crowds after two years of introverted self discovery (used to be the quintessential extrovert). Coped great as a couple with just a tiny bubble to worry about vibes. Married a week. We’ve never argued so much. It was stressful, but lovely and we are home now. We had a stellar day at work today and made some miracles happen. Was happy working on my own and running errands and felt like a team for a hot minute and that was so nice and that feeling is a big part of why I agreed to and wanted to get married. Then we had dinner with a truly fabulous friend and I had the first tender moment of being fully into my new husband since our vows (which were beautiful btw) sleeping in separate rooms tonight and I’m wondering if I’ve made a mistake. Advice from strangers gratefully accepted.

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