My bf told me when we were cuddling together that I was too fat and ugly. He said he would love me more if I was skinnier and prettier. He also told me that he could see a huge difference in appearance when I walk with other girls.

I know that I’m not good-looking or skinny, but I also don’t think I deserve to be called ugly or overweight. How should I deal with this? Honestly, I still love him but I’m concerned.

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  2. If this is a real post, I would really question the legitimacy of the relationship. Attraction is important, but if that is the only reason he is with you I doubt your relationship will last

  3. Is this fr? Billions of women in the world and he decided to date one who he thinks is fat and ugly. What a loser. Dump his ass and find someone who won’t say awful shit like that to you

  4. if this is a genuine post, the only weight you need to lose is this asshole of a man

  5. He’s negging you, it’s both emotionally abusive and meant to manipulate you into codependency. It’s not even a red flag, it’s just abusive and *no one deserves this*. Leave.

  6. You reply with “I’d love you more if you were bigger and better in bed.” and see how he likes it.

    For real though, he isn’t worth your time. Send him packing.

  7. LEAVE. That is very messed up of him. Sometimes guys try to manipulate you by trying to lower yourself so you don’t have the self esteem to demand what you deserve and this could be the case. If he thought you were unattractive and didn’t like you he wouldn’t be with you, physical attraction is very important. And if he loved you so much that he doesn’t care about looks, he would NEVER say something like that to you. Sounds like he is a bad person trying to control you. Dump his ass, I promise you he doesn’t care about you, otherwise he would never say that. And also, if you stay you will have to live with these insecurities and believe me that you don’t get over that, it will just torment you.

  8. Leave! You don’t deserve that! Leave him. No ifs, ands, or buts.


  9. Oh, I’m sure he looks like Brad Pitt or George Clooney rolled into one. Please!

    Just before you dump him tell him this “ I didn’t lose the weight because I didn’t want you to feel insecure but now that I’m leaving you I’ll lose the weight and find a real boyfriend.”

  10. He insulted you and you’re “concerned”… why aren’t you mad? You shouldn’t let anyone speak to you like that 😤

  11. This is the least effort I’ve seen put into a creative writing bait post. Congrats?

  12. No one who actually loves you or cares about your feelings would say that to you.

    Emotionally it seems you guys are no where near the same page. You say you love him as your boyfriend, but he obviously does not love you. His loss though, what an obtuse idiot. You’re dodging a bullet by breaking up with him.

  13. You could tell him that he is not fat and ugly. Thank him for his time. Tell him that he is not fat and he is not ugly, but he is your ex-boyfriend. And then move on to better things. Things never get better with people who carelessly insult you when you need them to be caring.

  14. There’s something absolutely wrong and disgusting about calling a girl fat and ugly while cuddling her. Also please don’t believe he would love you more if you changed – that isn’t love.

  15. You deal with it by polishing your spine and telling him to get out. If he loved you, he would not insult you.

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