For me I would go to CO or one of the PNW states haha

  1. There’s a 300 acre ranch up the mountainside from my neighborhood with access to a ton of BLM land behind it. That would be a cool spot to be.

  2. I assume this hypothetical involves an unlimited budget. I’d love to live in Jackson Hole, but I can’t afford it.

  3. I chose Colorado when I had the choice. I still have the choice and like where I’m at.

  4. Probably up to NW or NE Portland, Seattle. Lived in small towns and a small city my entire life. Getting tired of sitting in my car.

  5. If I were made to move somewhere else in the country, it would be to North Texas. Given that I have a choice, it’d be the most similar to Oklahoma, which is the state that I was born, raised, and currently live in. As they say, there’s no place like home.

  6. We would probably move back to the PNW, not Seattle but probably Eugene, Oregon, my Hs hometown. But, I love the heat and the sun which is an issue

  7. I would like to try living in New England. Having four seasons and a different social vibe would be a nice change.

  8. San Diego is nice enough, so I’m happy where I am. A vacation home in the Sierras would be nice though.

  9. I would like to buy a house in the neighborhood that I currently live in. I’m kind of at the point of my life where I am deciding that Philadelphia is my home now, I don’t really want to move anywhere else.

  10. I desperately want to move to the northeast or Great Lakes region, I just lack the money to do it and the balls to uproot my entire life like that.

  11. If I can get the same salary I have here, anywhere in the Rockies that I can get away from people. Preferably Montana, Wyoming, or anywhere that’s not the front range in Colorado

  12. Into a bigger house with a bigger yard, in the neighborhood adjacent to mine. I’m not far from where I want to be, literally and metaphorically.

  13. Portland, OR realistically.

    If I had infinite money though, I would build a West Lake inspired Chinese villa next to a lake or something.

  14. Green Bay or Madison suburbs in Wisconsin.

    If money isn’t an issue, Middleburg, VA.

  15. Also PNW or CO. Wyoming, Nevada hugging the CA sierras and maybe Idaho seem nice. Parts of Texas seem like they’d be fun to live in. (all these assuming money is no factor)

  16. PNW – I love the scenery and wear
    Las Vegas – I grew up going to Vegas a lot
    Miami – I like the night life of Miami

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