I’m (30M) kind of tired my main friend group (25-38 M&F). I don’t really know how to move forward.

I’m really just trying to vent as well as seek some advice.

The last several occasions I (30M) hung out with my main friend (25-38 M&F) group, I felt ignored, interrupted, and neglected. They would either talk over me, barely respond to anything I said, or just interrupt me, and I would just give up and stare at my phone.

I don’t really know how to bring it up to them, and sometimes I just want to let it go. Some part of me wants to bring it up to them.

One of the members sends me memes on Instagram daily, but he doesn’t really seem to want to hang out.

One of the couples in this group went out of town to travel for the next year or two, and I am excited for them. But something about the timing of this event makes me feel like it’s time to find another friend group that makes me feel included. I’m straight up just upset with and over this friend group for the time being.

I have other friends here and there I can spend time with. But I really don’t know how I can make new friends in my 30s). I also fulfill some social activity with a new Krav Maga class I joined about 6 weeks ago. But where else can I go to meet new people in the Phoenix, AZ area?

I’m want to distance myself from my main friend group and make new friends, but I’m sure how to do that

1 comment
  1. Honestly, it’s a part of life. I had the same issue until I moved entire provinces to find some genuine friends. Friends who call me up to see how I am and who make the effort to invite me to lunches and listen to my problems while I listen to theirs.

    Yeah, I’ve kept a few friends from my past but cutting the toxic/self involved/disinterested friends loose was the best thing I ever did. Embrace the change and go live your best life. When you stop looking/forcing a friendship that doesn’t want to happen to happen, you’ll find the friends you deserve.

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