It’s been a while since I’ve been in the game. Still working on photos.

I feel like I usually lean too hard in to my values and have a hard time expressing humor unprompted. I usually loosen up and can be pretty witty in a conversation, but being funny out of the gate is really hard for me.


Put-together adult, but orient my life around curiosity, creativity, and helping others. I spend as much time as I can outdoors – not ready to climb Mt. Everest, but maybe you can teach me! Looking for a teammate to enjoy the fruits of summer with. I’m vaxxed, snipped, and text back.


**After work you can find me:**

Out for a bike ride, hike, or paddle; packing for an outdoor photo trip; cooking simple but classy dinners; checking the 13 voicemails left by my mom.

**Two truths and a lie**:

I walked 750 miles to visit 88 monasteries over 6 weeks and I forgot to record it on Strava.

I saved a drone from the lava flow of an active volcano.

I like watching sports on TV.

**A fun fact I’m obsessed with….**

The dot used in lowercase “i” and “j” is called a tittle!

  1. Literally the only thing I can speak on is the voicemails from mom part, that will probably sway a lot of people away. Personally it made me smile but I know a lot of people are wary of getting involved with weird family dynamics and a lot of women are afraid of getting involved with a “momma’s boy.”

  2. Put-together and seek to live life with curiosity, creativity, and helping others. Second sentence is solid. Sub partner for teammate in third sentence. I’d leave out the fourth sentence entirely, especially the snipped part. That’s even a selling point for me, but TMI in a bio.

    The after work part…name a dinner you like cooking. Simple, but classy sounds odd. I’d also get rid of the mom sentence. That would worry me right off the bat.

    Your first two truths are great. The lie is obvious and boring, change it up. This would be a great place to showcase some humor.

    That fun fact is not super fun. It’s also kind of over used and gives off a very specific impression. Either come up with something different or chose a different prompt.

    I thought the Strava part was super funny and relatable. Maybe come from that same angle when touching up the rest of your bio.

    Good luck.

  3. As a child free woman I appreciate the mention of being snipped without making it a big deal. I never figured out how to do that in my own profiles. Overall, if I was reading this I’d be interested enough to want to know more. It seems like you have a lot of interests that I’d like to talk about.

    However… I’d do a HARD about face at the 13 voicemails from your mom. I love a person who has a good relationship with their family but refuse to be in another relationship where I have to deal with a mom who has no boundaries.

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