We bottle it up, we keep it to ourselves, sometimes even from ourselves… take off some of the weight and share, whatever it is you won’t be alone.

  1. Having ADHD I can’t focus on anything, although many people think I’m smart and have high expectations. So it’s really a struggle to reach those goals while not being able to focus at all. Also many people just can’t understand how random the stuff in my mind is.

  2. I quit masturbating. Been masturbating basically daily (sometimes 2+ times a day since I was a teen). Even during LTRS. Never had any issues with it. But now, being a bit older, I want to quit. Because I have a wife that will please me any time I want. I’ve had too many times where I would masturbate in the morning, and then my wife would want sex. That whole ‘masturbate before you have sex to last longer’ doesn’t apply to me. I could always last as long as I wanted. But as I get older, sex isn’t as good, and I may not even get as hard as I want sometimes if I just masturbated recently. So, I quit masturbating and the sex has been even better. I’m hard like I was as a teen and can last an hour no problem. But, shit, I have urges all the time. Wife is sitting right next to me (shared account). She knows all of this. And now anytime I feel the urge, she helps me. We have sex like 3+ times a week, but, if she isn’t feeling sex, or I just want a quick release, she licks my balls or rims me while I masturbate. Takes all of a few minutes and is easy for us both to do. But damn like I said, I still get urges all the time…

    I’m just about 3 weeks in (longest I’ve gone in my entire life since I started).

  3. Quitting smoking, day 6 and that nicotine withdrawal hittin like a damn truck

  4. I’m battling to find my own self worth. I’m kinda looking to settle down but it’s hard finding someone when you’re a shy man

  5. Loneliness is quite literally my arch nemesis at this point, generally the only problem I still have.

  6. I have to move on a crush I have on this girl after 9 years. I know, why so long? I had faith, hope, patience.

    I’m trying my best to move on from her but a single thought of her breaks me down.

  7. Been suicidal since I was 14 and it’s only getting worse, now I’m almost 30. Doesn’t really matter what I do, just never feels like I belong here.

  8. My mental health has been on a downward spiral for a pretty long time. I don’t see a future where I’m happy with myself and I desperately want to die. Every time things get a little better, I can’t even enjoy it because I know things will inevitably come crashing down. If someone came up to me and said they had a way for me to stop existing painlessly, I’d take it without a second thought.

  9. Selfworth. I’m nearly 30 and can’t seem to find equilibrium. Just lost the job I had been chasing for years, mental state is crumbling, can’t seem to find a partner. It’s eating away at me, as I am the only one or thing I can identify as possibly faulty factor.

  10. It never goes away completely.

    Delusions of former school mates hacking into my computer or phone and manipulating and engineering social situations.

    Cherry picking hypocrites.

  11. Trying to come back from living in pure hatred for years. Sadly I won’t be able to go back to how I was before.

  12. I’m black in USA, not fit, low income, lonely, sick , my 20th. I don’t know if I can even survive like this.

  13. trying to buy a pants that is not too long but has enough space for my junk to be comfortable.

  14. I’ve hated myself for a long time, and feel that I’m letting my family down by not being who I should be for them. I drink to make myself numb from it. I don’t know why I feel this way. There’s no trauma in my past. It just is.

  15. Trying to learn to accept my mistakes and flaws to learn to at least tolerate myself, cause right now if I saw myself waiting for a bus, I’d throw myself under it

  16. drug habit

    not addiction just habit

    hard to break as i function just fine with it

    Hard to explain

    FYI definitely not an addiction not a physcial dependancy not in denial

  17. Still fighting about what the hell am doing with myself. Like I have a passion but I don’t want to make it a side hustle. I just want to make enough money bills are taken care of

  18. No matter what I achieve or obtain I’m always still super depressed. This doubles back and makes me more depressed because I don’t understand why I can’t satisfy myself.

  19. My battle with hypocrisy. In myself and others. Rules for thee not me, have eaten at me for most of my life. The mental hopscotch people will play to justify being hypocrites is maddening and mind blowing.

  20. My feeling to K word myself. I wake up everyday and spend 30 minutes reminding myself that if I do, I will be doing a disservice to both my mom and dad who have backed me to this day. This is my battle.

    Edit: thank you Redditor for the concern. I truly appreciate it, i am going to therapy so it’s something I can control, but it is a battle nonetheless

  21. Muscular Chest Pain.

    Knowing it’s a skeletal muscular issue not a heart issue is what’s keeping me sane, but there are times when I genuinely feel like I’m having a heart attack. I’ve been medically assured I’m not, but the feelings persist.

  22. I’ve been trying to suck myself off since puberty. It’s a daily battle

  23. The subtle urge to kill myself. It’s always there, gnawing at the back of my mind. An urge to self-destruct and find peace in the nether. Most days it’s easy to ignore, but it’s never unnoticed.

  24. I’m battling my urge to kill myself but at the same time I’m trying not to do that because that will make my Lil brother sad

  25. I’m trying to be happy but to be completely honest I haven’t felt genuinely happy in years. I put a smile on daily so people don’t gotta worry about me but I know it’s all an act. If only people knew but to be honest I think I’ll keep it to myself.

  26. Struggling with self worth and the tendency to knock myself down and punch myself if it gets bad

  27. I really need to study and should study for the biggest test of my life, but for some reason I just can’t seem to focus, I messed up the last time I gave the test, even though I am scoring very well on mocks, its just hard to have confidence. And so many people have expectations from me I just don’t know what I am gonna do.

    Frankly I am starting to breakdown, I need to get out, just one night of peaceful sleep where I don’t get thoughts about me being a failure, just one night, and yet that one night is atleast 2 months away.

    So my fight I guess is to keep going and not die even when every single part of me wants to runaway and never look back.

  28. I feel guilty for existing. I hear about all these good people dying of war, accidents, disease, etc and I wonder why the fuck am I so lucky? Why am I deserving of this while children get leukemia and die by age 10? I don’t understand this existence.

    I deal with it by being a good guy. I am in good health so I give blood to help others. I might as well pay it forward while I’m here and while I can.

  29. I got charged with a DWI. Nobody in my life knows about it, and god willing it will stay that way. It was wrong, I made a stupid mistake, and now I’m paying for it, but it’s shameful and it has led to some very depressing feelings, but I don’t want anyone in my life to know.

  30. I don’t think that anyone is ever going to *choose* to meet my needs, especially but not uniquely my sexual needs.

    I don’t really connect with other people. Even when I spend lots of time with them, talk with them, get to know them, I never really connect with them. There’s always a voice at the back of my head that says “the only reason you’re still talking to me is because I’ve carefully hidden the parts of myself I know you’ll hate”.

    Chief amongst those is my sexuality. I never flirt. I never ask anyone out on a date except through online dating. I really struggle to believe that anyone will ever meet my sexual needs. Every time I read another message about “porn sick” men, it further feeds my belief that women are, for the most part, deeply naïve and selfish in bed. The message that comes across is that having any needs beyond what *she* wants to do is some kind of thought crime. “How dare you want something that I don’t want, you disgusting misogynist. How *dare* you. *Women* have needs and *Men* meet them, not the other way around.”

    Whenever I stop drinking for long enough to notice, I feel deeply alone. At work, I perform fine. In any relationship where I’m paying for a service, everything is ok. Explicit, transactional relationships are what I expect to see in the world. But people *choosing* to make other people feel happier? That’s as much a miracle as any of the other miracles in a religious text.

  31. Past drug addiction. Had a bad coke problem for years. 5 months clean from it now, but I still have a beer or Teo every once in a while. Trying to cut that out as well here pretty soon.

    That and loneliness I suppose. I’m getting comfortable being by myself and doing things alone again, it gives me a lot of time for self care and prioritizing my goals, but I do miss companionship a ton.

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