It has been around 2 months since we started dating and I feel consumed by the love I feel for him. I miss him all the time when he’s not with me, I find it very difficult to focus on my studies because I we can’t stop talking to each other. I want to be able to do things, to study, to live life without being so consumed by my feelings for him. I feel helpless and I want to not feel so consumed and like I’m drowning

Tldr; I feel consumed by feelings for my boyfriend and it makes me feel helpless, I want to be able to do things in life without wanting him with me 24*7

  1. it’ll pass in the next few months, ofc you’ll still love him and miss him but it won’t be so strong or overpowering

  2. Honeymoon phase. After all the butterflies begin to dissipate is when the real relationship begins. Think to yourself what kind of future you see with him, if any, and talk to each other about your longterm goals. Bask in the feelings of being consumed by love, it doesn’t last forever!

  3. This is sweet! I could’ve written this myself when I started dating my husband. I was seriously concerned I was going to fail my exams that year because I couldn’t think of anything else but him and I felt like my brain wasn’t working!

    The feeling does evolve and it does not remain so overpowering forever. I’m still crazy about my husband (and honestly I’m a bit on the clingy side, probably will always be), but I am able to think about other things and function like a normal person, which I very much wasn’t in the beginning!

    Do enjoy and make the most of this period! I’m very happy with what my husband and I have now, but those first few months/years of being absolutely consumed by one another were so special and unique.

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