She lets the dog cuddle on top of us as we cuddle every time. She will “try” to get him off of us but gives up shortly and goes back to cuddly both of us. Hell even when it comes to sexy time she doesn’t care if she’s in the room or on the same bed. She absolutely loves him. The problem is the dog is her past husband. He sadly past away and couple years later I came about so she is really close to the dog . How can I tell her that I just don’t want the dog literally by us on us every time?

Sorry for misspelling. I just got to her place 10 minutes ago and right as she opened the door. The dog jumped at me and nails me right in the balls. I went back to my truck to clean off since I came over to be her +1 for a wedding

  1. You have to master that dog yourself to get it to go on the floor. Ask like r slash dog training or something.

  2. It doesn’t sound like she wants anything different. She likes the dog as it is. So I guess you have 3 options. 1 Accept this dog is part of the deal, as is. 2 Try training the dog yourself, to both establish a relationship with it and to have it respect your boundaries. 3 decide you can’t handle this and bounce.

  3. Bro. You will never compete with this dog. Do not try. Either accept it or bounce. You can talk to her about it, but I can promise you she will choose that dog over a guy every time.

  4. Stop seeing her. A mate of mine dated someone like this and almost this exact situation and it ended up being a disaster. We still laugh about her and her dog.

  5. Have you asked her if she plans on training the dog at all? Large dogs are usually not terribly hard to train, but also it’s a very good idea to train them because they can accidentally hurt someone without meaning to.

  6. Yeah I’d probably see this as a red flag and start to look elsewhere

    I mean, if she can command respect for her own dog, I would hate to see what would happen if you ended up getting her pregnant. If she’s not willing to keep a large dog trained around company, which is a responsibility ALL dog owners have to keep up with, that’s gonna happen later in life?

  7. Dog people will never stop being dog people, especially when they have an emotional attachment to the dog such as sharing them with a past partner.

    You could try and have a conversation about how you’re not super comfortable having the dog involved in intimate moments such as cuddling/being in the room during sex. I would prepare for push back, but it doesn’t always hurt to bring up the hard topic before making a drastic choice about breaking things off.

  8. Just be honest and kind – look sweetie I love you and your dog is great but I don’t want the dog with us when we make love – or whatever you want to say. Just be direct and say it. If she’s understanding then great. If she doesn’t want to respect your request then move on.

    And the actual problem here is she has not trained her dog at all this can be a huge problem, especially with bigger dogs.

  9. My dog was like this at the beginning of my relationship. We worked on the bond my dog and bf have and in turn he helped me work on discipline with my doggie. Now he listens to my bf better than me! Try to bond with her dog and she will let you help her with its behavioral issues and you’ll get to keep 2 great companions!:)

    Edit to add that my dog had attachment issues when my bf and I got together. My dog was my emotional support through an extremely dark time in my life. Had my bf made me choose I would have picked my dog 1000x. I’m glad it worked out, it could work out for you guys 2!

  10. Fuck you really need to come to reddit to ask someone politely that the dog makes you uncomfortable?

  11. I had a similar issue a few years ago. With a pit Bull., guess what I broke up because I could not stand the dog . The tragic part of the story is that I have dogs too and I love them but this was no dog. It was a child , 24/7 he was with us . No life

  12. Don’t start with kicking the dog off during couch cuddling time, but to try keeping the dog out and door closed during sexy time then let it in for sleep time.

  13. As a dog owner, it really does sound like she needs to teach the dog to be better behaved.

    Some people don’t understand that for a dog to be well behaved doesn’t only mean for it to be friendly (which it sounds like the dog is). They have to be polite and respectful.

    A dog that jumps up on people will someday jump up on an elderly person, or someone who’s fragile, or who just had knee surgery, and could legitimately injure them.

    Teaching a dog boundaries does not mean a lack of love for the dog and does not injure one’s relationship with the dog.

    Make it clear that this isn’t about disliking the dog, this is about the dog needing to be better trained.

  14. >She lets the dog cuddle on top of us as we cuddle every time. She will “try” to get him off of us but gives up shortly and goes back to cuddly both of us. Hell even when it comes to sexy time she doesn’t care if she’s in the room or on the same bed. She absolutely loves him. The problem is the dog is her past husband. He sadly past away and couple years later I came about so she is really close to the dog . How can I tell her that I just don’t want the dog literally by us on us every time?

    I dont think you can- girls obsessed with pets or treating them as a *child* is usually a red flag for a good relationship honestly.

    She has probably centered a lot of her life around this animal, and have problem maintaining other relationships (why she got so attached to the animal in the first place). Im know there are some women with pets that are fine, but they usually dont have such a destructive and obsessive relationship to their pets.

    Ive seen these type of girls before, and they usually crave company that they cant keep because of their own personal issues. Add to this that you have to worry about the pit disfiguring your kid or even killing it if you stick around long enough to have one.

    Get out!

  15. You don’t, I’m sorry, but why would you?

    I have always had a dog, and my dogs have always been welcome on the couch or in the bed.. And that’s just one of the several flaws my family, friends, girlfriends and son on has to accept

  16. Well you better stop going over there. Dog senses some bs and your throat be on the floor.

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