I’m about to turn 34 and I would say I’m just starting to feel a decline in my metabolism at this age. I’m still in great shape, but it feels like it’s getting harder and harder for me to maintain between work and the stress of everyday life. Just curious what everyone’s thoughts are on this and what have you done to try and maintain peak physical shape as your body is starting to change? Diet, exercise, habits, etc?

  1. I’m 48. Still not feeling my age. Kids are young (2,4 and 8), finding new friends and hobbies, career still moving up. Learning new things constantly. Health wise doing good.

  2. When I felt like age was catching up to me was when I would find myself falling into a nap at off moments. Sitting at home watching a movie or random TV show might doze off for a few minutes. Have the day off and have no plans to go out I am usually in bed by 10 pm and passed out a few minutes later. If I don’t get adequate sleep I feel it more so than I used to which can just make me irritable and unpleasant.

  3. In my 30s I started healing a lot slower from minor injuries. Then I had kids and, whoa, their healing powers are something to behold.

  4. Late 30s.

    Less energy, more tired, alcohol hits harder, late-nights are difficult to recover from, poor diet means problems.

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