So I’m going to be meeting his parents soon and his younger siblings live with the parents. A while back he mentioned bringing gifts for the kids which I was cool with. I told him I’d hand make stuff because that’s what I do and think it’s more personal, however, about 10 mins ago we were on the phone and he mentioned it again and said I should bring the kids gifts, to which I replied again that I was hand making lovely wooden items and he said “well yeah you can do that too.” Idk..just seems weird. Maybe I’m exaggerating but it was kinda hurtful? Idek why I need to “bring gifts”. He literally told me his mother is going to judge me for my tattoos as well.

TLDR; my bf is telling me to bring store bought gifts to meet his siblings even tho I told him I was hand crafting gifts for them

  1. To my mind, making something with your own hands as a gift shows far more thought and effort than buying something in a store and just handing it over. But a gift is a gift, not an obligation, and he (and by extension, his siblings) shouldn’t be *expecting* anything at all…

  2. You might want to set him straight before this gets out hand. Tell him you would rather not bring anything and see how he reacts. If he causes an argument then you might want rethink the relationship

  3. Gifts are always nice, should never be an obligation. Hand made gifts are especially thoughtful

    Reading through some of your other comments though, im wondering why you are trying so hard to be accepted by this man’s family. You dont seem to like him very much, so why not figure out if the relationship is worth saving before putting so much effort into building rapport with his family.

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