Is it normal for a 23 year old male to not feel ready for sex & dating?

  1. Normal? Yes.

    Common? Maybe not so much.

    But you don’t need to pressure yourself.

  2. Nobody but you will know better when you feel ready. Normal or not doesn’t matter. Don’t force it, just do your thing.

  3. If you are not ready for sex or dating that is your right and nobody can take it away.

  4. Yes. I met my boyfriend when he was 24 and I’m his first girlfriend. We haven’t had sex yet and we’ve been together for almost 2 years now.

    I’m 26 he’s 25 and I’ve been with guys before. In the beginning I didn’t push anything and waited until he was ready for kissing.

  5. It’s your normal and that’s fine as long as you’re fine with it. My advice is that if you have any kinda criteria for partners or relationship plans on a timeline, even if it’s just an outline of a plan, you should try to get experience sooner rather than later, since a lot of being able to get into a relationship seems to be luck, and taking more shots means that there’s more of a chance of one sticking.

    Source: human who mostly has unreciprocated feelings for others and who has only had less than a handful of people show interest in them in their life

  6. Any new situation or change can and probably will feel scary. I challenge you to face these fears and take a leap of faith. No matter what happens you will be ok. Just operate from a place of love and courage (courage isn’t a lack of fear, its deciding to move forward despite the fact you are afraid)

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