I’m 27, I don’t use Snapchat – I don’t really get the point of it but a guy who was interested in me isn’t anymore because I don’t really use or want to? I feel really disheartened and sort of upset- is it really that big of a deal to not use it?

Will anyone even want me if I don’t use it?
I’m a female for context.

  1. Guys who will stop talking to you because you refuse to use snapchat only want to trade nudes anyway.


    If you want to find a normal relationship it is not a big deal to not use it.

  2. It’s not weird my gal – and its actually really good IMO.

    I dumped most general purpose social media platforms because they are just cesspools of junk food for your brain, ads, and overall just bad information. If you curate your subs and content, maybe you can get it to a point where you only see what you really like – but some garbage always manages to sneak through. Another reason I avoid them is because I don’t trust companies with my data, but that a whole other story.

    Edit for context*

  3. Personally, as a guy I like trading snapchat accounts with folks from online dating because it feels like asking for less of a commitment than a phone number, and a lot of people like seeing the occasional spontaneous selfie to make sure they’re not being catfished. That being said, I kind of hate snapchat and taking selfies and wouldn’t care at all if someone didn’t want to use it – if I’m into them and want to have conversations, it doesn’t really matter what app it’s on.

  4. I wouldn’t lose sleep over anything like this.

    You’ve got nothing to worry about.

    There are probably millions if not billions of people who *don’t* use Snapchat.

    If not using a certain form communication was all it took for him to lose interest, he wasn’t all that *into you* to begin with. You could just as easily see using “Snapchat” as being a “red flag”.

    Life is a *personal* journey.

    Each of us is entitled to have our own mate selection screening process and *must haves list*.

    Each of us is entitled to have our own “red flags”, boundaries, and “deal breakers”.

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  5. Beyond the age of 23 using Snapchat as a primary means of communication gives me the ick. If that’s a deal breaker for them, how embarrassing

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