What’s everyone’s thoughts on that popular Netflix show? I was introduced to it this week, and I’m only like 15 minutes in. Haven’t caught up on it yet, but it seems intriguing so far.

  1. Love this show, I’m very curious how much people are paying for these rooms though.

  2. I just discovered this show. The woman hosting it is adorable, like a 50-something British sex nanny making sure everyone’s got what they need for some good fuckin.

    I’m also glad they feature some non-traditional relationships in there too, though I won’t spoil them. My partner and I have been watching the show and now we definitely want a sex room too!

    I’m about 5 episodes in and liking it so far. Also, way to go Denver with all these sex-positive couples! Not all of them are perfect romances but most are super cute and adventurous which makes me happy to see. The first couple honestly don’t seem too into each other, so I was skeptical at first. But the couple with the 3 year old and height difference issues were clearly in love and their sex room is absolutely awesome.

    It does play out a bit like an HGTV property-brothers like feel sometimes with manufactured reactions to how the place looked before. “It’s a disaster, there’s laundry everywhere. And do you even own a rubbish bin?” It’s clear the producers are having her play that up because she’s otherwise such a wholesome and well-versed sexual consultant.

    This show earns 8 out of 10 penis-shaped coat hangers from me.

  3. It is a great show. My boyfriend and I watched it together. It gave us a chance to talk about some of the content without having to bring it up or of the blue.

  4. I loved it! The rooms turned out sexy and beautiful. My fiance and I discussed what our room would look like!

  5. Great show. I watched all 8 episodes over 2 evenings. I’ve been part of the BDSM scene for 16yrs and this little lady certainly knows her stuff. I enjoyed every episode. Melanie Rise is wonderfully creative.

  6. I kinda love it and I kinda hate it.

    I love the concept but I’m tired of a few things. Everything has to be somewhat over the top scandalous. Like the poly group “oh my god, what??????” No, you don’t need to do this stupid and almost bigoted reaction to them, and why didn’t you even include the whole group from the start? Starting it as a couple and then a big reveal is kinda insulting.

    I really hate all the sexy women they put up everywhere. Every room for straight couples has women’s silhouettes or pictures of women tied up or something like that. The only time there are mens bodies it’s just disembodied penises. C’mon. Men are hot too and these women who are into men enough to be married to men might want some men. And that’s just assuming these straight-presenting couples are straight. If they’re bi maybe the dudes also want some sexy dudes around.

    I found it really weird she put a stripper pole in the bedroom of a couple when they never asked for it. She led them to that questioning and nothing presented made me think they actually wanted it.

    Of that same couple the woman has never had an orgasm. What she needed wasn’t a room redesign but rather a sexual health educator to guide the couple so they can learn together.

    They brought a cop to a dominatrix’s place of work.

    They had a black man say he didn’t like handcuff because of racial violence and kept on pushing handcuffs and making him visibly upset.

    I loved the final product for the poly group and the burlesque performers.

  7. I think it definitely has room to improve, some moments that others have already touched on were tone deaf or didn’t seem like they were listening to what the couples really wanted all the time, but overall I really liked it. I learned some things that were valuable for me as a psych major working to become a mental health counselor with serious interest in sexual health and education AND as a new SW. I especially appreciated that the host is not someone super young and she’s still presented as very vibrant and sexual. I think we teach people (at least in the US) that you’re “old news” after 25, so your sexuality and pleasure are “gross” or something, and that’s just so wrong and absolutely wasteful for so many reasons, that and it’s dehumanizing for everyone involved. I think offering a perspective that people are sexual and not sexual objects (unless that’s your thing with consent) is really important, glad to see more and more mainstream examples.

  8. I haven’t seen it yet, but for sure when I get my own place I will definitely have a sex room (ITS A MUST)

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