I think I might just have the worst luck or something is inherently wrong with me. I am 24 (increasingly worried that I’m “past it” or now getting too old lol), and have never had a PROPER relationship before, only ever been in situationships as the other person didn’t want to move to the exclusivity \~realm\~. obviously this manifests as a belief that I am just not enough/ not what someone wants etc etc, alongside all the other spikey, difficult thoughts which congeal around that belief.

I also have difficulty in finding people I actually fancy, and then even more difficulty in feeling a geniune romantic connection. I have been questioning as at whether this is unordinary, to which i hope it is not… however it seems that so many people my age/ my friends etc have had multiple relationships and find new partners with ease.

I really want a relationship, just don’t know where I’m going so wrong? I am using the apps, i go out with friends regularly, I am friendly and always kind to others etc. I’m told that I’m pretty and so on…

uuuhhhhghhh just feeling EXTREMELY SAD about it all

  1. I would try lowering your standards a little bit still go for good people but alot of us have way to high standards for ourselves also only put out if they are in a committed relationship alot of people won’t want to become exclusive if they can get what they want without it

  2. Are you picking guys that match your value or are you shooting for the moon?

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