Basically I have a friend who tries to control me. He tells me what what I might prefer rather than ask me. Sometimes hes right. Sometimes hes wrong. And I will tell him when hes wrong. However it’s just annoying that he tries to predict who I am rather than let me tell him who I am. Even when I go over his house, He tries to plan every activity to a “T” . And I’m the exact opposite. I believe in letting people do whatever they want to do. He on The other hand believes people should be told how to operate. So our personalities can clash at times. Also I noticed that it’s hard for me to be truly myself around him of around him versus other friends. This is due to the fact that you try to predict me so I spend more time just telling him who I am rather than actually able to have a productive conversation. He also is too serious and takes things more personal than me. Im more of a jokester and is more a smooth talker. He constantly wants me to validate him and make him feel better about who he is.

Also find that my confidence decreases when around him due to the fact that he brings me into environments that naturally doesnt fit who I am. For example, He hits on girls that I’m repulse by like girls who do drugs. This causes me to come off shy and quiet when really I don’t want to talk to people like that. So overtime I become more quiet when I’m really an outgoing happy go lucky type. But it’s hard to be this type around him and his friends.

What you guys recommend doing about this?

1 comment
  1. He can’t change you, you can’t change him. If you don’t feel good around him, just move on. If he were the type of person that made you feel safe coming to him about these things, then that would be different.

    Let me ask this; what do you get from this relationship? You must get something out of it to keep going back.

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