After sex this week my partner of 3 years recently asked me to change the way I moan (louder and longer). He also would like me to open my mouth wider than I typically do. I agreed in the moment, but after thinking about it more I feel like he was basically asking me to act more like a pornstar. I haven’t orgasmed with him in 2 years and now it sounds like he’s basically asking me to focus on faking it rather than focusing on my pleasure.

  1. He hasn’t gotten you off in TWO YEARS and he’s asking you to change the degrees by which you open your mouth?! Bro needs to realize he has bigger problems good lord. And yeah that’s basically exactly what he’s saying

  2. HUH?! Tell him to F off, maybe he’d get that reaction out of you if he actually made you cum

  3. Why do you stay in a sexual relationship that has no satisfaction for you? Does he know this or have you been keeping that to yourself? If he knows that he’s not satisfying you *and* he’s asking you to modify your behavior for his own benefit, then he’s just an awful lay

  4. Lololol “I haven’t orgasmed with him in 2 years”!!!!

    And HE’S making request!!!


  5. Wtf!!! Hell nah. Gurl don’t give in. Tell him to go fuck himself. Also tell him to pretend that his bigger thn her really is.

  6. If he wants you to moan he’s gonna have to pleasure you , asking you to make different facial expressions and noises during sex is basically asking you to fake your reaction for him . That’s not focusing on your pleasure or even thinking about your pleasure , it’s just making it more like he’s in a porno for his own enjoyment .

  7. Honestly, if he genuinely pleasured you, he probably wouldn’t need to ask you to pretend you feel more pleasure.

  8. That is absolutely insane. Please leave this person. Sex is about letting go and having fun, not telling someone how to react.

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