So I have this friend who’s incredibly logical. Think…Amy from big bang theory or data from DS9. She’s not a fan of traditional relationships or regular flirting and banter. She prefers people to be blunt and upfront.

Recently I asked her to join me and my other partner in a polyam relationship. She said she would think about it, and thanked me for the offer. She said she really liked the dynamic and she’s hinted at how she likes the freedom it provides while having needs met.

Lately, she’s been hinting at more NSA stuff and I’ve been thinking about asking her if she would like to have sex. With someone like her, should I ask just like that?

“Would you like to have sex?” Is there a better way to bring this up?

  1. Speaking as an autistic person, i wonder if she isnt one of my people. Not relevant, particularly to the proceedings, but i thought it was of interest.

    If she likes being bold and blunt, be bold and blunt. You can be frank and to the point while still being respectful.

  2. I have a friend who is similar. She’s mostly not interested in sex beyond making artistic depictions. I racked my brain over it, but it just happened after I finally just asked her, “Hey, wanna have sex?” I couldn’t think of anything other than that honestly.

  3. Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣

    My man, I think it sounds like you need to take your foot off the gas ⛽️ and wait to see what a woman who preaches about preferring that people “be blunt and upfront” … practices what she preaches.

    If she believes in being blunt and upfront … and she is NOT initiating or asking you to have sex with her … what conclusion can you draw from that?


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