I have a huge problem with literally changing myself to try to be like other people. This has been a problem I have had ever since I have been a child. Also, I have had a problem with copying off of people instead of being myself all my life.

For example in third grade, there was a kid I copied off of and tried to be like him all the time. I would copy the way he would write, he played hockey, so I got my mom to sign me up for hockey even though I don’t even like that sport and I literally acted like I was so interested and passionate about it because he was even though I don’t even like hockey. I would copy the way he would act and the way he would eat. I would copy how he put his notebooks and books inside his desk.

There was a compliant jar that we had where we would write different complaints that we had about our classmates and the teacher would read them. One time she read five straight complaints that said I needed to stop copying off of him.

Also in high school, this kid I was friends with wore a tie-dye hoodie to school multiple times. Now I’m not a person that likes to wear things like that. However, I copied him, bought one, and started wearing it to school. People called me out for copying off of him. I later ended up seriously regretting it because I knew in my heart that it wasn’t like me to wear anything like that.

  1. Everyone takes inspiration from others. You just need to be more subtle about it.

  2. Well … why do you do it? Are you just trying to fit in? Is it because you thought those guys were cool and by copying them, you thought you could be cool too?

    There was a girl in high school who would copy the way I did my makeup or how I dressed. She always told me I was pretty so I guess I inspired her in some way.

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