How comfortable are you with your bros / family / friends / strangers seeing you shirtless, in underwear, or naked? In what situations?

  1. Oh I realize I don’t care and I find it funny, if I’m in my own house I’m completely naked just how it be

  2. Shirtless is a maybe, like if I’m at the beach or something, or getting out the shower, but thats it. I never go more than shirtless in front of people

  3. Not at all. I avoid going to beach gatherings, pool, or anywhere where people can see me shirtless. I also have sex fully clothed. It’s pretty bad and idk what to do about it.

  4. I genuinely don’t care if anyone sees me shirtless/in my boxers. I got over that level of self consciousness along time ago. I’d probably be ok with full naked too, but I’ve never had an opportunity to test that one.

  5. Wife and kids, it’s fine. Anyone else, never. I have an extremely conservative image to people outside my family, but my body is covered in self inflicted scars and satanic tattoos.

  6. I was an athlete so I’ve been using locker rooms and changing in front of my peers/teammates since I was in like middle school. I feel a bit conscious in underwear around family, so I avoid that, but I wear small shorts at the beach/pool around them and it doesn’t feel weird.

  7. I guess if it’s necessary? I just don’t generally prefer to be shirtless unless I’m swimming or something, I’ve got abt shirt on chilling in an empty house because I just find it more physically comfortable.

    Underwear and naked are more of the same, if the situation requires us to change quickly in limited space or something, fine it’s NBD, but I’m not just gonna hang out that way or strip in front of them instead of changing in another room if it’s not necessary.

    That’s across the board, it’s basically just my preference so who it is doesn’t matter much.

  8. Most days, nobody but my wife will ever see me in anything less than a tuxedo made by a good designer. That’s how you command respect and project power. So it feels like I’m out in my underwear if I have to visit an establishment in anything less, like wearing khakis. I occasionally conduct business in bathhouses where clothing (and any kind of electronics) is not allowed, but we usually wear towels.

  9. With strangers it’s more a question of making others uncomfortable, rather than myself, I will get naked in front of strangers at the drop of a hat if appropriate, say at a sauna, group showers, a swinger club.

    I feel more awkward around friends and I would never around family.

  10. I go shirtless around family sometimes. Pretty rare to just be in underwear, though.

    I’m not even comfortable with seeing me naked.

  11. I would say I would wear only my underwear in front of my family and bros. Would only go nude In front of my bros if I’m changing clothes or swimming or sumn. Not gonna go out of my way to be naked but I don’t have a problem with it either. We all had gym class at one point right?

  12. It’s a bit odd to describe. I don’t mind nudity much. I don’t really gain sexual feelings based on sight. Family, I’d never be fully nude. That’s just a whole weird type of situation. Friends are mixed. I’m gay and all my friends are dudes and straight. They know I’m gay, but they don’t mind me changing with them or something like that. They know I don’t think off them sexually. They’re brothers to me. Same with public locker rooms or other public places that involve semi to full nudity. I’m not a perv, I control my thoughts and fellings. But if a dude checks me out, I don’t really mind. In fact, it’s very flattering.

  13. I don’t even like my wife seeing me without clothes, so I’d never let anyone else, none of whom I trust more than her, see me shirtless, in underwear, or naked.

  14. Not comfortable. I don’t like my body and would prefer to show off as little of it as possible.

  15. I’m fine with being in underwear around my bro and family. Anything less with anyone else not as closely related is a no-go.

  16. Couldn’t really give a shit. I’m no Adonis by any means but I ain’t that bad for my middle-age either. I look after myself and nothing to feel ashamed about so fuck it, STRUT.

  17. I picked up my sister-in-law and her husband by car yesterday to go to a bbq. Due to the temperature, I was shirtless in the car.
    I am however a nudist… I would have prefered being naked for the drive (which is not allowed here) and the bbq (but I don’t think my inlaws are ready for that yet…).
    I just think being naked is far more comfortable, and personally I’m not bothered about people seeing me; it’s just my natural self, and how I feel most like just being ‘me’.

  18. I’m ok with being nude around parents and close friends (assuming they’re not uncomfortable of course).

  19. Basically all of my friends that played football with me have seen me naked because of showers and if in a situation where it was called for I probably wouldn’t care

  20. I’m close with my buddies. Hotel room boxers only is the comfort level. Lake is shirtless. If I’m at home getting ready and they’re here too, boxers only again.

    We are all pretty much brothers

  21. I am European and we hit the gym so we are pretty comfortable around each other. I and many of my friends will even sleep naked in the same room, and there is this one friend who does so with his also naked girlfriend since we were in college.

    We have all seen each other naked at some point, sometimes even with morning wood and such. None of us are nudists, just not caring about others seeing us naked.

  22. As a general rule I don’t usually let people see me shirtless unless it’s a changing room or maybe at a pool, for 2 reasons.

    1. I’m very slightly chubby; nothing special to look at

    2. I have enough backne to shoot a film with miniatures about trench warfare

  23. All of my mates have seen me shirtless, and it’s actually less common for my family to see me wearing a shirt, because I absolutely hate wearing shirts. If its a particularly hot day I’ll leave the house shirtless and just tuck a shirt into my belt in case I need to put one on to get into a shop or something. I genuinely am most comfortable when all I’m wearing is a pair of shorts.

    As for underwear, pretty sure only three of my mates have seen me in just a pair of boxers. One of them was my housemate until a few weeks ago so that obviously makes sense. One of em has seen me in my boxers cuz inused to crash at his place all the time, the other used to crash at my place most weekends. Obviously family has seen me in just my boxers. Only strangers who’ve seen me in just boxers are women I’ve hooked up with.

    Can’t see myself stripping naked in front of mates or family, only strangers I’m stripping naked in front of are the same strangers who’ve seen me in just boxers

  24. Strangers, shirtless no problem. People look at the artwork that’s usually hidden, and not the body built by butter fat and burpees. The rest get the boxers. I’m not one to go streaking through the quad, so not much nudity.

  25. very.. the only person i would feel uncomfortable with seeing my meat is my grandparents everyone else i could careless

  26. I’d go everywhere nude every day (except for when it’s really cold) if it were legal.

  27. Not comfortable in any. Shirtless in ok if it’s at the pool. Trying to get over my body issues currently

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