During the first day of college what can a girl to do make an awesome first impression?

  1. Sit at the front of the class and pay attention. Try to answer questions yourself but don’t hesitate to ask if you can’t figure it out quickly.

  2. Just be yourself, if people start to like the person that you not really are you screwed yourself over.

  3. Remember the names of people you meet. And address them by their names. Shows you care about them.

  4. To who, your professors? Show up to their classes, pay attention, ask intelligent questions and do your work.


    To other students? Be pleasant, get involved in stuff, don’t act out of control & don’t create drama in which people just want to avoid you.

  5. Look like you know what you’re doing, which is hard to do for some, have a strong outward sense of self

  6. be yourself, that is being awesome.if you try being someone else, you will look like a fraud, and people will be able to tell

  7. You don’t need to make a good first impression. You are paying for college.

  8. Be engaged and don’t fake interest.

    I’ve spoken to a lot of women who seemed indifferent to what I’m saying, but say they’re interested in me. I was feeling a strong case of mixed messages and had to drop them simply because I couldn’t figure out how she actually feel. I’m not sure about other dudes, but I’m will to talk about anything. Some women seems to do this thing where they seem super un engaged until I figure out what topic she actually wants to talk about. That’s not a fun game. It’s not really fun either when the other person only pretends to be interested in what you’re interested in.

    I’m with a woman now who I feel like actually likes talking to me. It’s not hard to read her and if I’m confused about something, I feel like I can actually get a real answer. And she doesn’t pretend to like stuff I like. There’s a lot of stuff we both like, but there’s also stuff she like I know nothing about, which in my eyes makes her more interesting as a person.

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