I’ve worked with and met many people who are vile, terrible attitudes and full of hatred. Why do they end up having so many friends?

  1. This is going to get so much hate, but it’s because people like to self pity themselves. If someone who doesn’t like themselves is around an awful person, those feelings are just going to be validated and it makes them feel like they were right all along. It also makes them feel like being around this awful person will make them better, because if they follow along and do as the awful person says and changes themselves for the awful person, they think that they’re eventually going to end up being an amazing person who everyone likes, including themselves.

  2. Ive come to see being sociable is a separate quality from being nice or any other positive social trait.

    Having a good time doesn’t mean being a good person.

    A lot of people also seem to have problems wrapping their head around how someone who is nice to them is also terrible to other people.

  3. Being sociable and being nice are different things.

    People don’t really care about your moral strength when selecting you as a friend (as long as you are not a dick towards your friends). They care about how fun you are to be around, and also what they can get from you.

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