So, there was this girl i was dating from Tinder, we just had 1 date that was somewhat special, slept together, spent almost 2 days together, but spent like 2 months texting before and after that date, felt like i was really starting to feel some kind of connection with her, but then, whenever i tried to ask her out for the second date, she kept giving me those typical excuses, that she was busy with her job, personal issues etc. So i finally gave up and stoped talking to her and left her on read because i felt i was being needy, almost 2 months later, she decides to send me an apology, telling me that it was wrong from her to suddenly change her attitude and that shes down to date before i leave Spain to New York for a trip, but again, that it was because personal issues, according to her, she changed her job 3 times, but honestly, i saw her stories partying and going out, so it sounds like bs to me. I still think we had really good chemistry, but im still doubting. Maybe she just uses me as a backup plan.

  1. Nah your instincts are right, she’s treating you like an option/back up plan and not as a priority. Move on from her, you deserve better, compatibility is everywhere.

  2. Nope she needs to be gone. She will pull this crap again. Leave her wanting more.. say bye bye bye

  3. She’s done with the other guy now and has time for you until she finds a new guy. No. You don’t give her another chance.

  4. Only if you just wanted sex or something casual. I would be cautious about investing too much into someone who you already thought was playing games.

  5. If she can’t make it up to you she’s not worth it homie. It’s her mess up and her loss.

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