Me and my friend are really close, we used to go to the gym together everyday. Text eachother when we would leave and meet there.
We would hang out, go out to nightclubs and always have a laugh.
Lately we haven’t gone to the gym together, he has to work on some things so he’s going in earlier.
He’s also saying “I’m going at this time, you can come if you want”
Today he told me he was going to the gym right before he left not even giving me a chance to get ready.
I said I like training with you the last time we were together and he said “why… are you gay?”
But we’ve been training together for the past 6 months… I feel like a complete burden to him, I feel like I’ve said something and he doesn’t want to be around me but I don’t know what I said.
I like hanging out with him, I value him as a good friend but lately I feel like he doesn’t even see me as a friend at all…
I don’t know if i should say anything or just let it pass but I’m so upset.
I’ve also been left on delivered for 5 hours today… PLS GIVE ME GOOD ADVICE. I’m so lost and upset

  1. Sounds like your friend might not fuck with you anymore, at least not the way you want them to anyway.
    I’d give them space. If they come back, great. If not, now you know.
    People go through shit and what you see/experience rarely ever is the full picture. People don’t just switch up like that without having a reason for it.

    Maintain that distance for now. Also, overthinking how long they take to text back is just unhealthy. Relax. They’ll text when they’re ready to respond.

  2. I am a guy too. I lift weights, been doing wrestling/jiujitsu for about 10 years. On the outside, you would think I am a macho, masculine guy.

    I am actually a pretty sensitive person who wants to be around people who explicitly say they care about me. I actually really don’t like it when friends make joking insults. As a result of all of this, most of my friends are women. I have a much closer friendship with my female friends.

    This guy that you are hanging out with sounds kind of macho. I would not hang out with a guy who calls me gay when I tell him that I like training with him. I would expect him to say that he likes training with me. Maybe try getting female friends.

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