I’m kind of lookin for odd ones. I dont think any of us wouldnt shit our pants seeing a lion 5 feet away.

  1. Hyenas. Those fuckers are straight from hell. If I had money I’d have a guard hyena.

  2. Cottonmouths. Aggressive bastards. One chased me a good 50 yards before giving up. Another I had to kill because there was no way I was getting away from it as it dropped out of the trees and landed right fucking in front of me on the trail. They’re the only snake that actually scares me, apart from them I love snakes.

  3. I’m not scared of much, but my wife and I went to Pilanesburg safari in South Africa last year. We parked and lions literally swarmed us. They were not scared of us at all. It puts it into perspective that apex predators don’t give an eff about humans!

  4. Big fish. As soon as I can’t see the ocean floor anymore there is no way you’re getting me in the water

  5. Bears.


    Don’t get me wrong, I’d shit my pants *post haste* if a lion was five feet away, but I’ve been out walking – in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia – and gotten paranoid about brown bears.

    5-10 years ago there was a report of a brown bear in the local online paper – included a picture.

    I don’t fuck with bears. **Screw that Winnie the Pooh propaganda hype**, they’re stone cold killers.

  6. Giant centipedes. Lived in St Lucia for a year dealing with those things. Never again

  7. I was 7 years old when a fucking ostrich pecked at me while at the zoo.
    Scared the fuck out of me, I’ve been looking for payback ever since

  8. Had a girlfriend that was freaked out by all kinds of birds, no matter the specie. She compares them to dinosaurs.

  9. Cats.

    First, let me just get it out of the way that I am allergic to them, so I would never willingly own one. Maybe my cat experience was just soiled by my grandmother’s cat, but I swear that thing was bipolar or something. It would be your best friend one moment, then scratch or bite the shit out of your hands the next. Nighttime was always the worst. I did not sleep well at my grandmother’s house anyway because I was always stuck on the couch while the rest of my family got beds (and I suck at sleeping anywhere aside from my own mattress anyway), but if I had to get up and use the bathroom at night or go find a clock to check the time I was constantly treading carefully to make sure I did not get ambushed. It would block the narrow hallway leading to the bathroom as well. I swear, that thing never slept. I’d be laying on the couch and see its shadow move across the floor once, and I’d be awake for the next thirty minutes to an hour just wondering whether or not it was going to assault me.

    I had a love-hate relationship with that cat. She was very sweet and fun at times, even if petting her did give me a runny nose and itchy eyes. But other times she could make the trips to my grandmother’s house absolute hell. Are all cats like this? I just hope I never fall in love with someone who HAS to own a cat.

  10. Moths. I’m not usually afraid of other animals (I even love snakes).

    But moths just creep me out.

  11. Beetles. I would literally fight a mountain lion willingly… but beetles… or any big bug.. fuck that

  12. Unidentified snakes. Fuck that.

    Now, if a responsible snake owner educated me about a safe snake, I’d let that thing slither all over me.

    The snake, not the snake owner.

  13. Cougars. I’ve watched cats play with things to death and met some overbearing older women.

  14. Moose:

    They will attack you until you stop moving.

    You’re usually at a disadvantage when you come across one (icy ground, wooded area, highway) and they’re usually very close.

    They don’t give a fuck until they think you’re too close and then they will chase you down and destroy you.

    They don’t even need to attack to be dangerous. They can just stand in the highway. If you hit a Moose in a sedan, you’re fucked. The Moose will go through the wind shield and crush you. And you’ll never see them because they’re so tall that their eyes generally don’t glow in the headlights.

  15. Bears. Hands down!!!!!! I’m from Florida and gators don’t scare me. But BOY do bears sure do.

  16. Rattlesnakes. I was about three feet from one and my dog grabbed it and started shaking it. She wrapped it around my leg and i had on shorts. I was hyper aware and i swear i felt every single scale on that bastard. When you make eye contact with one, its the most intense shit ever.

  17. Botfly larvae. They get put under your skin by the adults, hatch, and wiggle around. And when you pull one out, they are an inch long and about half an inch wide.

  18. Snakes, only massive ones tho especially the ones In my nightmares that can travel 100mph

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