I matched with a guy on tinder like almost a year ago, we talked briefly and added each other on ig and that was it. Now every single time I post a selfie or post anything on Instagram he slides into my dms telling me that we should go out for coffee, the first time he asked he was out of the country and he said we should go for coffee when he comes back and I said lmk when you’re back. He came back and never messaged but I wasn’t really bothered about it like people forget. But then a few weeks later he messages again asking when I’m free, once again no plans materialize. He eventually asks for my number and we text, the conversation is kinda boring so I eventually stop replying so he waits like 2 days then texts me “hey you alive?” I reply saying sorry I forgot to reply but the convo eventually dies down again. Then like a month ago he messaged me saying “hey do you have any plans tomorrow?”, I don’t reply because at this point I can tell that he’s flaky af, then a few days later he messages again, I don’t reply once again. Then like a few days ago I decided to maybe try to set a concrete plan with him so I messaged him back and he’s like “there you are”, I asked him if he’s busy this weekend, he says he isn’t and we plan a coffee date on a Saturday, we set a time (1:30pm) but no place and then the convo stops, I was the last one to send something after he asked me how my day was. Today was the date and I waited till like 12:30pm and realized that yup it’s not happening so I made other plans And forgot about it. Now he texts me at 6:30 pm saying sorry that he’s been MIA and said “would you like to go for coffee today or do something quick before I head to dinner or should we hang out tomorrow?” At this point, I have about 0 interest in him and I definitely don’t plan on hanging out, like I wouldn’t mind something completely casual but I don’t really wanna go through the process of going on a “date” and getting to know each other since 1- he’s so flaky and unreliable and 2- I don’t think our personalities match. So now I’m not sure if I should just ghost him? Text him letting him know that I’m not interested anymore? Or propose a causal situation where neither of us have any expectations. I also don’t understand why he kept double texting me asking me to hangout if he’s not interested and is just going to flake? Lol

  1. Honestly, I’d call him out. I’ve done it and it honestly it helps you figure out where you stand.

  2. This is so weird. But some people are simply like that.

    It sounds like he will not stop pestering you if you don’t clearly reject him. So I’d go with this option:

    >Text him letting him know that I’m not interested anymore?

    Just be kind and respectful, and be done with it.

  3. Go with a choice of gives you more satisfaction. He’s told you around enough. It’s your choice how to stop communicating with him.

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