On the one hand, it’s come to my attention that many women seem to not get approached in public even when they want to. On the other, us male counterparts sometimes struggle to know who wants to be approached and who wants to simply be left alone. Here’s an attempt at marrying the two perspectives in the hopes of helping us all find our match, a new friend, or simply be able to engage in a pleasant conversation.

  1. not wearing a wedding band on your ‘ring’ finger

    catching peoples’ eyes, and holding them a fraction longer than usual

  2. honestly i don’t really give any signs of wanting to be spoken to because i basically never want to be approached in public by strangers lol. and i’m not sure if i’m just friends with a group of extreme introverts but almost all of my female friends also hate being approached by strangers in public. i can give you some things i do which show i do not want to be approached if that helps maybe. earphones, avoiding eye contact, walking fast, looking at my phone, just looking like i’m minding my business lol. oh, and the gym, definitely not at the gym.

    however, say it’s someone like a classmate for example or colleague who i’ve never spoken to but want to be approached by, i’d probably smile at them when we cross paths outside class/ the workplace etc like in a corridor (since my face will hopefully be familiar) and after doing this a couple times and seeing how they respond (whether they smile back or give me the “you alright :)”) will probably show if the possibility we can strike up a conversation exists or not. like slowly and subtly building rapport by showing them you’re welcoming them. so i suppose smiling is always a good sign.

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