What item(s) do you always have stocked in your refrigerator?

  1. G. Hughes BBQ sauce, sparkling ice, mustard, eggs, and milk. Everything else is on rotation.

  2. Onions, mushrooms, turkey, chicken, beef stock, sausage, all sortsa condiments, IPA, leftovers

  3. milk,a bunch of other dairy products,cold cuts,onions and carrots (they last a lot longer),ground coffee

  4. Half & half for the morning coffee, beer, leftovers of various types, assorted fruits and vegetables.

  5. Condiments. I don’t keep food in my apartment because if I did, I would eat it all when I’m drunk at 10 PM

  6. Various condiments and open canned stuff like pickles, milk, juice, bacon + whatever other meat I felt like cooking with that week, cheese, sandwich stuff, assorted veg plus any melon, berries or other fruit that stays cold, butter, eggs, margarine, oat milk these days, usually some grab snacks like lunchables or fast breaks, yogurt, diet cokes, usually some coffee, heavy cream comes up a lot lately, lacroix….I think that’s the usual suspects.

  7. Water, Gatorade, Diet Coke, protein shakes, almond milk, yogurt, cheese, banana peppers, jalapenos, bbq sauce, mustard, turkey, and my lunches for the week (which is usually some combination of chicken, rice, and broccoli).

  8. just the staples, milk, cheese, bread and eggs and butter.

    so if nothing else eggs on toast and milk to drink.

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