what are the most important lessons from your life you have/will pass onto your son?

  1. Never get into a situation that you can’t pay for by yourself. Meaning: never rent a place to live that you can’t pay in full yourself.

  2. Have confidence in yourself and everything you do.

    Never convince yourself you’re not good enough for anything and never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something

    No one likes arrogance but with enough confidence you can achieve whatever you want

  3. Be understanding. Everyone is different, their culture, friends, family, family background, neighborhood, primary school, highschool, relationship, upbringings etc. Whole nine fucking yards. Along the way they will experience a magnitude of events that will shape them to be who they are. Even two individuals experiencing identical thing will not be the same. Understand that. You don’t have to agree or like their belief, values etc. Just understand the point that everyone is different. But don’t even bother to try to understand feet-fetish. It’s beyond even my reach.

  4. Have pride in your work, never lower your standards for anybody. It might be a mundane task but make sure u do it well

  5. Don’t pierce your wiener. The kind of girls who are into that aren’t the kind you want, also you will never pee straight again. Scar tissue in the urethra disrupts laminar flow by creating variations n static and dynamic pressures and velocities per Bernoulli’s principle.

  6. Don’t regret your past.
    Don’t let others tell you who to be.
    To make it short… just don’t be like me because you will suffer.

  7. Think for yourself, research topics and form your own opinions.

    Don’t put any faith in politicians to have your best interest

    Employers don’t care about you, so be just good enough that your useful

    Mind your own business, stay out of people’s lives

    Always listen closely to what people say

    Don’t believe everything you read,hear, or just have a gut feeling that it’s wrong.

    Choose a career that will always be needed even while technology improves

  8. Your grades aren’t as important as you might think. You don’t need straight A’s, a C is also fine as long as you understand the topics in school. Don’t stress yourself about it

  9. I’d teach him how to work hard, how to treat people with respect, how to take care of his responsibilities, how to stand up for himself and I’d tell him to NEVER EVER put his hands on a woman, and that if he ever gets her pregnant that he better be ready to step up and I’d tell him to make better choices than I did and I’d tell him to always be a man and to own up to his mistakes.

  10. Never have children.. oh wait he doesn’t and will never exist 🤣 hahaha sorry dude! Bringing a child into this world is one of the stupidest things you can do. I wouldn’t inflict that on anyone. This will get downvotes from people who have permanently fucked up there lives by having children. It’s a money pit so you can have a “legacy” it’s the fragile human ego attempting immortality. No one likes children. Then they grow into assholes. They never stfu either. I see people with kids and I do not get it. At all. Why would you give up a huge part of your life like that

  11. * Periods are normal things that happen, they’re not disgusting.
    * Have pride in your work and the things you do.
    * Never lower your standards.
    * Never change your personality for the sake of a partner.
    * Take comfort in your interests and don’t be embarrassed of them.
    * Treat others the way you wished to be treated.

  12. choose your partner wisely. you’ve met a high bar now set a high standard for her/him as well. nope to personal or family mental issues, nope to obesity, nope to lacking a degree, nope to narcissists and fascists, nope to religious fanatics. nope to lazy.

  13. It’s not worth living if you’re bald, so of course I won’t have a son. I can’t put another human being through this shit.

  14. If I ever have kids I’ll teach them the most important thing my father never taught me, how to stand up for myself.

  15. The breathing technique that helps me calm down while angry, helps me reassess my situation and has other benefits like preventing you from fainting after bleeding out.

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