This is something thats been bothering me for a while now and Ive been trying to figure out how to put in words.

I’m 29 years old and I’m typically attracted to “younger” women, and to be clearly when I say younger I mean age 21-26. Which, on some level thats probably normal but it makes me feel kinda gross. I don’t have a lot of experience with romance or sex. I grew up in an environment with a lot of shame around sexual interest so I didn’t date in highschool, and didn’t really know how in college.

I didn’t even realize this was a trend until recently. Ive been trying to get more comfortable with being sexual (ya purity culture upbringing!) even just with my self. Ive been watching porn more often and, well, Ive notice a lot of the videos I like enough to save are women in that age range. Occasionally there is a video where it says someone is 18 or 19 but, tbh that creeps me out and i tend to just not watch those if I see the age mentioned.

Realistically, I know this probably isn’t that abnormal, but I feel gross as fuck. Even in real life I tend to be attracted to women in the general age group (at least till I talk to them and then I tend to lose interest pretty fast if I’m honest).

Basically, am I really as gross as I feel? am I overthinking this?

1 comment
  1. You are definitely overthinking and you aren’t gross. Maybe just stop looking for age related stuff and try to find certain things that excite you if you feel uncomfortable. You will find certain things that you like more than others and that could help you steer away from the age related stuff.

    Lots of people are sexy also. Even people who are much older than 18-20.

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