For context, he’s my brother’s best friend. I know what type of girls he likes and I’m not it. I also know he’s not looking for a relationship right now due not having figured his life out yet (still doing masters, wanting to get a job, etc..) brother told me several times to let it go but I want to, for once in my life, make my own decisions and take matters in my own hands. I want to confess without having any expectations from him and also telling him to keep this between us and not tell my brother. The reason I want to confess is because our interactions are becoming interesting lately, with him teasing me all the time and wanting to get my attention when I see him at the gym (I only see him at the gym). My family is putting pressure on me to get married and are recommending me other suitors that I am not interested in because I’m still thinking about him. He’s travelling very soon and I might not see him for a while as he will be gone for 1.5 months and I will be starting my masters. I also see him very sporadically at the gym as he doesn’t show up as consistently as I do. I have very few days to confess before he travels. A) Should I do it and B) in-person or over text (we never texted before)?

  1. I say just do it in a more casual way. I’d text him and be like “hi what would you think about us going on a date or somethin I think ur kinda cute 🫣” but also just be yourself!! It’s kinda nice he’ll be gone for a little bit and you won’t see him a lot bc you honestly don’t have a lot to lose. I’d just make it more casual so if he says nah it’s not like a whole dramatic and awkward thing. But also I’d definitely take the chance!!

    Also screw not being someones type…my bf only dated 100lb skinny skinny girls before me that look/act much different. I am 140 w very thick legs/butt and a very different look and interests and he said he’d never go back and I changed his “type” forever🤣

  2. Go for it. Just be prepared for anything, be prepared for complete rejection, or for acceptance, or for anything in between.
    I’m someone who’d prefer to have those conversations in person, but message can be easier if you have anxiety or are afraid. Also be prepared for the consequences, I’ve had friends who were ghosted from people they confessed to (not common, but it can happen).

  3. I would go for it. You have NOTHING to lose. I once had feelings for a girl I went to school with, and I never told her. I still keep in contact with her, and she recently told me that she had feelings for me back then as well so because I never told her how I felt, nothing happened between us even though she felt the same way towards me.

    If this guy likes you then that’s great news, he might be the love of your life and you can plan a future with him. If he doesn’t like you then you can move on and stop thinking about him. If you don’t say anything, you will probably regret it and it might haunt you down the road just like what happened to me. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

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