I (48f) have a crush on my grocery store checker (Age unknown M). Is there way to ask him out that isn’t going to be totally awkward? I like his look and he seems nice. Since I only see him at his work I don’t have the opportunity to get to know him better without directly asking him out. I don’t know if he’s single and/or straight. I can only buy so many groceries. I’m ok with rejection, just don’t want it to be weird for him.

  1. I want to say that you are going too just have to bite the bullet, and take a shot, at this. Look for the ring, or the circle of where it was on that finger. Be smooth, and let it out, Hey I’m wanting to take you out for a drink when you are done what time you out of here? Even if it doesn’t work out then, you have broken the ICE so next time it will be a little better. And yes guys love this kind of thing, making his day Better he will never forget that.

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