I’m a freshly wed. And all I can say is that marriage is a scam. I’m not happy in my relationship with my husband and don’t even think that I love him.

I hate writing that but I would be glad if he would divorce me. I can’t divorce him, because he’s getting depressed easily. I even think he would harm himself. So I’m stuck in this marriage.

We sleep in different rooms because he says that the bed is too small. He can’t repair things or set up a wardrobe.

I miss my old life. And I realized how much I love to be alone.

We don’t do anything together. His child is getting on my nerves. I like his child but I don’t need to seem 5 times a week.

It was never mentioned that he would stay 5 times a week with his father.

I wished someone would help me or just listen to me. It’s hard that I can’t even talk these things with anyone.

I feel bad thinking like that. But I hate marriage and I don’t love him anymore.

Is here anyone who feels the same as me? 🙁

  1. I did. My husband was the worst and told me if I left he would kill himself.

    Eventually I left and he’s…well fine isn’t the right word, but alive. He didn’t kill himself. He now has 2 kids and a dead wife.

    My life is great though

  2. I’m with you. I got married and loved it for two years. Then everything went to hell. I was told who to be friends with and where to go. I gone through counseling and help from church but I am done. It’s tough cause she plays the I can’t live without you speech. But time to go then get gone

  3. Marriage isn’t a scam. Your marriage/relationship might feel that way. Threats like that =control. That’s all it’s a scare tactic and sad it worked on you. He has things he needs to work on, just know it’s never your fault if he commits suicide. You can’t provide happiness for another person.

    You don’t have to be unhappy, leave.

  4. Leave him.

    You aren’t doing anyone any favors. And fun fact about depression and self harm? You can’t make someone do it. You leaving and filing for divorce isn’t going to make him change his life status.

    He doesn’t deserve this, you don’t deserve this, and his kid definitely doesn’t deserve to live with a stepmom who wasn’t told the truth about them.

    Just call a lawyer and file.

  5. Time to go. His mental health is not your prison. You owe him a good faith effort to get him to therapy and that’s it.

  6. No offense mate but I think you’re in a particularly bad spot. Just leave.

  7. You deserve to be happy and this marriage isn’t making you happy. As for him self harming while yes that is horrible it also isn’t your responsibility to stay with him just so he won’t self harm. Make a exit plan and call his friends and family to be there for him as you leave so he can’t abuse you into saying in this marriage. I hope you find happiness what ever you do in life.

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