I’m going away for 6+ months to Canada working a ski season. This trip has been a dream of mine for a long time and I’m leaving from the UK in November with a one-way ticket. I haven’t planned when I will return but it will most likely be 6-7 months as that is when the season ends.

I frequently visit this girl on my lunch break (as that’s where they serve the food) most times I venture over there I spend the entire time just chatting away with her.

I would have asked her out on a date a long time ago, but I’m constantly battling whether it’s fair for anyone involved to initiate anything. She is aware of my traveling plans, yet still gives me the impression she may be interested.

However, I did say to myself I would not go for anything serious until I’m back from my travels, but I get such a good vibe from this girl and the chemistry is flowing. I feel as though something great may come from it.

What do I do? What would YOU do? Thanks.

  1. I understand I’m in a similar situation!

    Me personally… If you see potential with this girl ask her out. If she says no then you have your trip to look forward to and forget her.

    If she says yes then do tell her you’re leaving in November and see what happens. Doesn’t have to be anything serious it could lead to one date and then nothing! I would suggest you don’t get too attached with her if anything more comes from it but I say go for it while you are still here and she’s single!

    Good Luck!!!

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