What was the first R-rated movie you saw? How old were you?

  1. me and my brother somehow got away with watching Friday the 13th part 2(or maybe it was part 3) while we were 7 & 5 respectively.

  2. Like 8. On the one hand, I grew up with some fun movies. On the other hand, I spent my prepubescence living with a genuine fear that a Xenomorph was waiting to jump me in the laundry room.

  3. Probably something like, “A Fistful of Dollars” when I was 7 or so. We had cable and ratings weren’t relevant to watching the movie or not.

  4. Starship Troopers maybe? I was pretty young I just don’t remember how young. I know for sure I was 10/11 when I saw Terminator 3 because my dad took my brother and I to the theater to see that one.

    So either Starship Troopers or Terminator 3.

  5. Somehow I convinced my parents that History of the World Part 1 was an appropriate movie to take a 10 year old to. I thought it was funny but didn’t really get most of the jokes until I was older and watched it again. It still comes up in conversations once and a while.

  6. The first one that I can remember is Aliens, which I saw in the theater when I was five-ish years old

  7. Kill Bill. I was 10 years old at the time. My uncle had rented it and was watching it in the living room. I was already there earlier taking a nap and woke up in time to see the O-Ren backstory anime scene and I was wide awake after that.

  8. I grew up watching R rated movies. My dad used to tell me to cover my eyes during the nude scenes. Didn’t really matter though, I would just watch the movies while my parents were at work. I wasn’t even 6 years old.

    Heavy Metal, The Terminator 1 & 2, Creep Show, IT, Demolition Man, Virtuosity, Alien, Predator, Total Recall, Poison Ivy, Nightmare On Elm Street, etc. I’m sure there were more, but I can’t remember them all.

  9. As someone who had parents who barely spoke English when I was little me and my brothers were watching shit that we had no business watching for as long as I can remember. I don’t remember any movies in particular, but I do remember playing the “playboy mansion” game with my brothers on the ps1.

  10. Probably around 10-12, when we watched all of the video nasties as a family. Wasn’t an option before then as home video didn’t exist in any affordable form, there was no cable tv in our area, satellite TV was uncommon, and there were only 3 terrestrial TV channels which didn’t show the uncensored adult stuff.

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