Hey guys, I always struggle with having feelings attached too quickly after a date or two, and it really hurts me when things don’t work out. I hate that I always feel like this. I’ve been exclusively using Hinge for the past a few months and I’ve met with about 4 people. The last girl I’ve been on three dates with and we were making plans for traveling next month, however earlier today she texted me and said she doesn’t think we’re compatible and that was the end of it. I really want to fix myself and not get attached so quickly and get hurt. Could it be because I might have low self-esteem? On paper I should look pretty okay: I’m 6’0, ladies generally find me handsome, I’ve been building a start-up and I’m worth seven figures (but I live in a cheap apartment and drive a beater car, which kind of makes me feel self conscious tbh, I never disclose how much money I have on dates). Having money never made me feel super successful, because I’ve felt lonelier every year since I started focusing on career. The need for companionship is just too strong sometimes that I feel like a failure and I’m alone all the time. I think this may be the reason I get attached too quickly, but I’m just not sure what I should do. Sometimes I just wish I had someone to talk to. I just feel so lost. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

  1. I wouldn’t try to throw out your attachment, you just have to grow the discernment that somethings arent meant to be; and pat yourself on the back that you did what you could.

    Theirs going to be people who love clingyness and attachment, im clingy and get attached easy also and ik theirs others who are like that too.

    You can’t shut off your feelings like that, its just who you are. Your just a more sensitive person then some and thats okay, theirs not many of those ppl around. Most can just shrug things off without understanding the morality of it:

  2. Look up anxious attachment style, it sounds like you may be suffering from it. See how they lightly recommend fixing it

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