I(20F)  have been best friends with her(20F) for  six years. We were so good of friends until 11th grade. She started to become really clingy and won’t leave me alone  and would get jealous if other people tried to be friends with me .
In high school , people liked me alot and many wanted to hang out with me but I am an introvert and do not feel comfortable around new people so I mostly avoided them but she took it upon herself to send them away and when I asked her not to because that sounded rude , she got mad . However, she would travel hours to see her other friends and never told me which I had no problem with because friends do not need to know everything about each other but she never got that .

Now three years later , we are in different colleges for which I am really glad. We do not get to see other often because I am alot more busy than her and have to constantly cancel plans but we still talk on phone everyday.

I have never been in any sort of relationship with a guy before because my career is most important to me and I wanted to land in my favourite college, which I have .
Recently I am taking alot of interest in my older brother’s best friend(23m) . I have known him for years now and always had a crush on him but he was older and I was never ready to date so I kept it to myself and not even my friend knew. Now I go to same college as my brother and him and I know through my brother that he likes me .

A week ago , I told my friend that I might date him since we both really like each other . She said I am being childish for thinking about dating a guy older than me. She also said that I lack experience and can never tell if a guy is right for me so she needs to take care of that part and asked for his number which ended up giving to her.

On friday, he told me that my friend has been  hitting on him over text messages and wants him to hang out with her . He blocked her and showed me all her texts and many of them were so flirting , she  even offered nudes. I know she would have sent them easily if he had given even a tiny hint that he would like to her see because she has a history of sharing her nudes with guys before .

I am really furious right now and also frustrated. She might be clingy in past but she never lied to me or tried to hurt me. When I confronted her this morning , First she denied then ended up saying that she was just testing him but thats a lie because I also think she actually wants to date him.

I am really sad over the fact that this might be the end of our friendship. Who knows what else she can do in future and I do not want to take a risk of keeping her in my life but we have been friends for so long. We used to be close to each other .

I do not know how should I deal with her in a mature way. Any advice would be appreciated because I feel so lost.

Best friend tried to ruin my potential relationship and lied about it. Should I end our friendship?

  1. YES, end your friendship. Does your best friend have feelings for you? Either way, this behavior is ridiculous and unhealthy. Tell her that your friendship is over, this is beyond saving.

  2. You’re at the age where a lot of the unhealthy friendships you had in school purely due to proximity fade out. Let this girl fade out

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